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review My first review

Thanks guys, Mojo, hows the hangover? lol This sauce was very different from what I've had in the past. Very good though. Tonight, I'll be doing a review of a local hot sauce company's extract sauce. Its called Great Red Shark. and it's a mean little bugger. Should be interesting. lol
Thanks mate for a great review, very informative. Im glad you enjoyed it! And Im also glad you described it the way in which i created it, its definately meant for more white meats and the way you described the heat and flatvor is the way I wanted people to experience it....not a killer hot sauce but one that has fruity undertones with a sweet flatvour filled taste and a slow thumping mid range heat. Cheers once again. If anyone is chasing any drop me a line.

$2 discount if your from here the mighty THP
Scorp, bravo sauce brother. Can you quote me a $ for one bottle if each of your other varieties? With shipping? I saw the postmark and it was $15+!!
DT, I loved the way you did this video. Very straight forward and informative. Loved it. Even read the nutritional value! Keep it up man. Dig it!
Thanks Yoop, Just waiting on this head cold to subside to do this extract sauce I have sitting here. I don't think there is enough paper towels in the house for the snots that would be produced...