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My garden is awesome!

Here is an updated picture of my garden:


By wolfman0709 at 2012-06-17

Here is a nice little Carribean Red Habanero. All 15 of my plants are producing alot.


By wolfman0709 at 2012-06-17

I have buds opening on my Ghost peppers. I can't wait for these.


By wolfman0709 at 2012-06-17

My Butch T's are opening their flowers and getting pollinated.


By wolfman0709 at 2012-06-17

My 7 pot Jonah's and my 7 pot brain strains are really going to town!


By wolfman0709 at 2012-06-17

Of course, the Mammoth Jalapenos are producing like crazy. I have a dozen or more on most of my plants.


By wolfman0709 at 2012-06-17

Just as a reference, the Jalapenos are about 2 1/2 to 3 feet tall and the habaneros are in the foreground. They are really bushing nicely and producing like crazy!


By wolfman0709 at 2012-06-17

So, what do you think? I believe that the yields this year are going to be out of this world. I tried doing a Glog, but it seems I have no clout on this website. I didn't get many views or answers to my questions. Like this one: does anyone know how big the giant Jalapenos get? When should I harvest?

Responses are welcome. I would love some discussion on this thread and even seeing other people posting pics of their grows so far.
Your garden really is awesome!

Nice and organized. Hey , you ever have any animal problems? I have rows in my yard with no fence too and last year they were fine even though I do get deer in my yard.

Sorry I can't help you with the jalapeno question. I grow reg. jalapeno and I harvest all different sizes picking when they are still green, but dark green. I noticed they are a bit light green yet. Pick one and see if it is to your likings as far as heat and taste goes, then you will know for sure.

Your garden looks great and it looks like you will have a huge harvest this year.
Healthy looking plants it's looking good :dance:
I like your giant Jalapenos I think they are nicest when they are red

Do you hand water them all? Any trouble with the wildlife confusing your plants for salad?

I wish I had your garden lots of space by the looks of it :)
Thats a beautiful plot you got there man. Bushy plants, I would also say your gonna be swimming in peppers bro. Keep it up it looks great!
Looking great! As for the jalapenos, I like to pick mine both red and green deoending on what I am making or in the mood for.

While green, I look for "corking", brown lines start developing along the pepper. Shortly after corking the peppers start to turn red and the flavors sweeten up. Experiment and have fun.

Good luck and keep up the good work!
Your garden really is awesome!

Nice and organized. Hey , you ever have any animal problems? I have rows in my yard with no fence too and last year they were fine even though I do get deer in my yard.

Sorry I can't help you with the jalapeno question. I grow reg. jalapeno and I harvest all different sizes picking when they are still green, but dark green. I noticed they are a bit light green yet. Pick one and see if it is to your likings as far as heat and taste goes, then you will know for sure.

Your garden looks great and it looks like you will have a huge harvest this year.

Thanks for the compliments. I really don't have animal problems. I planted marigolds around the border and it seems to work very well. I heard the giant jalapeno can get 4 to 6 inches, so I am kind of waiting it out I guess.

Healthy looking plants it's looking good :dance:
I like your giant Jalapenos I think they are nicest when they are red

Do you hand water them all? Any trouble with the wildlife confusing your plants for salad?

I wish I had your garden lots of space by the looks of it :)

I do hand water all 50 plants... at least a gallon each, so it takes a while once a week. Any idea if I should water less?

Good job! What are you mulching with?

I use hardwood mulch. It cuts down on the weeding and I don't have muddy shoes when I leave the garden. Once the season is over, I will till the mulch under so it makes good fertilizer for next year. I plan to add manure and garden soil, in small amounts before the winter hits.

Enough about the end of the season though! I am so excited for this years harvest. How about some of you guys post pics of your best plants on this thread? I am interested to see some other people's growth and pods.
I am hoping to be taken a little bit more seriously here than on other sites, as my passion is in my peppers and my hot sauce. I love to grow and I love the satisfaction of biting into that first pepper and burn my face off! :onfire:

I was picking some weeds from inside the soil rings I have and a jalapeno got somehow bumped too hard. How that happened... I don't know. ;) Anyway, I decided to eat it. It didn't have any heat to it yet, but the flavor was out of this world. I do love soil gardening in organics! I am super excited to see how the habaneros, Bhut Jalokias, 7 pots and butch T's are going to taste. Hopefully, that habanero shown above will be ripe within a week or two!
I was thinking of using a triple phosphate fertilizer in my garden to boost flower and fruit production. Is this a good way to go or should I go with the organic tomato fertilizer that does essentially the same thing? Advice would be nice.
I was thinking of using a triple phosphate fertilizer in my garden to boost flower and fruit production. Is this a good way to go or should I go with the organic tomato fertilizer that does essentially the same thing? Advice would be nice.


This is what I am using this year. Got it at home depot. I like to topdress with a little compost each year to build soil.
Great looking garden plot!
An inch of water a week is the norm. If there's no rain in the forecast a deep watering will encourage the roots to grow deeper. No limit since your plants are in the ground. Bigger roots, Bigger plants! Rule of thumb if the soil feels dry 3 to 4" deep then you need to water, pretty good. A sign that your overwatering is when the lowering leaves start to yellow...quickly. Mature plants can appear wilted on a hot day, they may not necessarly need water. The plants will perk up in the evening. Another sign that your plants are hydrated will be the appearence of the leaves in the morning. If the leaves are reaching for the sunlight the plant has hydration (energy)
I tend to water just before dusk, soil only.
As far as the heat of a Jalapeno, I still grow the Jalapeno M. Have done so for years and it packs the bite of heat. Smaller Jalps just seem to be hotter.....anyone else see that?

Looks like you're in for some big harvests this year. Good luck with the season and keep the pepper pictures posted!

Ok, So as promised, I am posting some more pics of my garden.... as of July 4, 2012.

Here is the garden as of today:


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-04

Here are some Jalapenos that came out of there. These are the mammaoth, or giant Jalapeno strain:


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-04

This is just one Jalapeno plant. All 15 plants are heavy with fruit.


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-04

These are just a few Carribean Red Habaneros. They should be ripe pretty soon.


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-04

Here are a few nasty looking Ghost peppers (Bhut Jalokia):


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-04

Here are some of the 7 pot Jonahs. I tried an unripe one and it was smoking hot:


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-04

And the main attraction! This little Butch T Trinidad Scorpion is going to be a butt kicker. Can't wait to try it! :onfire:


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-04

Lastly, this is a side view of the garden. I hope you like and are encouraged.


By wolfman0709 at 2012-07-04

So, that is the update. What do you guys think? I have to tell you that storms cost me 2 Butch T plants so I am down to 3. Also, a habanero plant got broken at the stem by high winds, but I had a replacement for that one, so all is well. Please feel free to comment, post pics of your garden, etc.
Very nice plants in a real serene looking area.

Looks like the folks here will have to take you seriously, you have a nice crop coming on.

Just an aside, you may want to change the spelling on "relief" in your signature
Thanks for the encouragement. I really can't wait for the hotter varieties to start ripening. It's going to be awesome to eat the fire of the butch t and the 7 pot brain strain.