beer My Homebrews

The hot weather approches i'll be ready with a kolsch for drinkin by the liter.
Wednesday its kolsch time!
2015-04-06 20.28.03.jpg
For real? The 05 isn't even close to the kolsch yeast! That's nutso I say.

Gotta say... not a fan of the 05. It's fuckin weird. Like it has a weird peachy estery thing going on.
What did you enter in this one? I've been thinking about joining the local club, at least attending a couple of meetings to see what it's all about. Last one I visited was all a bunch of old retired guys and it really my scene. I did get some good advice from them though
grantmichaels said:
what's brewing?
Suicide wings from Smok'd for lunch, that's what's brewing.  Way to much chilli powder in the sauce, no fresh or ferment in sight and brewing hard in my belly atm. 
Beer wise, thinking Sunday might be brew day.  Not sure what, but I am low on beer with only one keg full. I get twitchy with only one.  Like a security blanket, with two or more, you know its all ok. Perhaps I have a problem?  Maybe time for a porter.  
Bumper said:
Suicide wings from Smok'd for lunch, that's what's brewing.  Way to much chill powder in the sauce, no fresh or ferment in sight and brewing hard in my belly atm. 
Beer wise, thinking Sunday might be brew day.  Not sure what, but I am low on beer with only one keg full. I get twitchy with only one.  Like a security blanket, with two or more, you know its all ok. Perhaps I have a problem?  Maybe time for a porter.  
LOL ...
I was wondering if it was coming soon! =)
Very nice.
I have empty gear - been absolutely slammed w/ CAD/CAM this weekend ...
I just wrote my work an email telling them I had errands to do on Wednesday, and would be working across the latenight that day mid-week this week (so I can have a brew day) ...
That means I need to figure out how to make a starter using extract tomorrow, I guess, right? ... no more pitching dry yeast ...
So yeah ... brewing Wednesday, and then again on either Friday or Saturday ... FOR SURE.
Have a good one - I need to go figure out how to make Dashi before I pass out for the night =) ...
Lol.  Been drinking it for a week or so.  Starter is easssssy.  bring 1 litre of water and 1 cup of light malt extract up to just over 80c cool to 27c (put pot in sink with cold water to bring it down quick) - sterilise flask, add new wort you just made and pitch yeast or starter.  Swirl as often as you remember if you haven't built a stir plate yet. Repeat sans pitching for 1 to 2 days depending on the size of the brew.
Dashi.   - First catch your tuna…  :rofl:
grantmichaels said:
I was wondering if it was coming soon! =)
Very nice.
I have empty gear - been absolutely slammed w/ CAD/CAM this weekend ...
I just wrote my work an email telling them I had errands to do on Wednesday, and would be working across the latenight that day mid-week this week (so I can have a brew day) ...
That means I need to figure out how to make a starter using extract tomorrow, I guess, right? ... no more pitching dry yeast ...
So yeah ... brewing Wednesday, and then again on either Friday or Saturday ... FOR SURE.
Have a good one - I need to go figure out how to make Dashi before I pass out for the night =) ...
Danger Will Robinson!!

How big is your flask? If you have a 1 liter flask and put 1 liter in there then set it on the stir plate, your going to have a mess to clean up, #isuredid:(

I'm thinking that 800 to 900 ml might be good but now I need to get a 2000ml flask.