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seeds My Naga seedling is dead, Fatalli probably soon to follow. Me = PISSED!!!!!

So I come home today and go check on my plants and what do I see?? The lawn service at my apt complex had cut the grass and both of my containers are in the grass all cut to shit with nothing in them. I am one MAAAAAAAD SOB right now. I located the Fatalli which wasnt hit or cut it looked like an still had dirst clumped around the base so I quickly grabbd a container and got it in some soil hoping its not shocked to death.

The Naga is MIA, I cant find it. I cant stand a person who has no respect for other peoples property. If they were still here Id probably hurt one of them now. They normally cut the grass on Wednesday so I bring them in but they did it today for some reason. Fucking assholes.
You need to file a complaint with the lawn service. Demand money for damages! That is BS, they could have at least let someone know that they caused some damage.
Thats the problem, they dont give a shit. I mean the plants were in a styrofoam cup labeled what they were with a green plant sticking out of the top on pavement, no need to even come near them. I think they did it on purpose.
I would file a formal complaint with the lawn service and take them to small claims court if they don't respond....will cost you about 70 bucks (down here anyway), but they will have to defend themselves, and you could probably get it written up in the local paper...(bad for business)
Thats the way this world is coming to I am afraid no respect for your property or you . I call them up and say hey your bunch cut my plants up what are yoou going to do
Yeah, I'd be flaming pissed as well. I can't stand blatant lack of respect for peoples property. I'm sure if someone keyed his car or something he'd be just as irrate. I guess some people don't understand the concept of do onto others as you would do to yourself.
The BBB is amazing. Not too many people check with them, but if companies hear from them, they are usually willing to make amends.

I have a couple of plants (one naga and 1 scorpion) that I could send to you. They are still in cups and looking a little poor. I guess I am too descriptive when I tell people that they are the ranking 1 and 2 hottest peppers in the world. (have mercy Omri!;))No one wants to take them off of my hands.
sorry to hear about your seedlings. its unfortunate for some of us stuck in apartments. im on a back side of a building that is facing huge trees, i get zero sunlight to my balcony. hoping to get an indoor setup started soon.
streetbmx said:
sorry to hear about your seedlings. its unfortunate for some of us stuck in apartments. im on a back side of a building that is facing huge trees, i get zero sunlight to my balcony. hoping to get an indoor setup started soon.
I have the same problem. Fortunately I'll be in a southern facing one on the first floor with plenty of room for pots on the 31st of July. For now I have to move my pots down three flights of stairs everyday and I put them in the bed of my truck where there's full sun for now. I'm sure the neighbors think I'm mad!:shocked::lol:
This is sickeningly sad my friend! I agree that some people just don't give a rats ass about others property, and I'd take some of the suggestions given and follow through. I agree with AJ and filing a complaint and taking it to court, this would bring attention to the company and I'm sure the owner will be glad to find a way to make ammends. Of course for optimal satisfaction, go with rabbit's suggestion, the only thing is you may not know the exact person that did this. Of course doing neagative things for a negative isn't going to make things better so I'd first simply call the company and complain and see if it gets you anywhere and if they can compensate you in anyway.

Cheezydemon you are awesome for stepping up and helpnig a fellow member by sending him some plants! I hot they make it alive. If I had any plants not planted in the ground I'd off the same, but I think digging them up and shipping at this point would be bad news for them..

Good luck!
Hey Nec,,if you so choose to take the fight back to them-I advise about 4 popcorn shrimp stuck in their ac/defrost vents.Give it a week and kimche would smell great.Learned this trick in the phillipines awaiting a trip to Kuwait. No damage but damn what a smell! Happy hunting Rich