My newest photos

Waialua pod ripening:

Morouga in homemade deepwater:


and my newest additions TS up front and Nagas behind:
They only look so good because they have only been in my hands for a few hours lol...I'm sure I'll find a way to ruin them even against my best efforts
They only look so good because they have only been in my hands for a few hours lol...I'm sure I'll find a way to ruin them even against my best efforts

LOL, I ran into a small problem myself. Think I may have killed a few of mine with to much soap in my soapy water used to kill aphids. What can you's my first year growing peppers so I keep a log for refference in order to try and not make the same mistakes again. Best of luck to you in your growing season this year! :cool:
Waialua pod looks Amazing!! Tell us more about this variety!

Eh, it's been discussed already. Nothing amazing just a thin fleshed jalapeño cousin really. A little less bite flavor wise with the same heat. I like them. Will probably dry em' for grinding into a mild garlic/waialua powder.
Your plants look really healthy.

With so much info here in the forum all will go OK. Just ask if you're not sure about something, some guru will surelly be able to help you out.
That way you won't mess them up and in a few months you'll be surfing in pods :)