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My Pepper Garden 2010

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all having a great Pepper Growing Season (At least us Northern Souls, that is) -- I am about to start harvesting some ripe peppers and thought I'd post some pictures before I do. Haven't done so this season at all and my peppers are absolutely wild!!

Here are a few samples, though only one picture per pepper type, even though I have 3 or 4 (or 5) plants of each type.

Seven Pod:

Trinidad Scorpion:


Red Scotch Bonnet:


Hot Paper Lantern:

Naga Morich:

Hot Cherry Bombs:


Cveta Hot:

4 More images in next post...

Caribbean Red Habanero:

Bulgarian Carrot Pepper:

Bhut Jolokia:

Thanks for taking the trouble to look at my post. I hope you are all having a fantastic year!!
Prairie, that's some nice work, I'm hoping as a new grower to have plants like that one of these days :woohoo: Thanks for the pics, they inspire me.
Prairie, that's some nice work, I'm hoping as a new grower to have plants like that one of these days :woohoo: Thanks for the pics, they inspire me.

I wish I could take credit for how they've turned out, but it's just the fluky, humid weather we've been having here that caused the plants to explode. Thanks for the nice words.
Plants are lookin' great Sheldon loaded with pods, going to be a nice harvest. That Seven Pod of yours is really special finding it like you did, how lucky is that. I'm not so sure about your Scorpion pods but awesome chile plants in the Canadian Prairies. Keep in touch more often. :cheers:
Plants are lookin' great Sheldon loaded with pods, going to be a nice harvest. That Seven Pod of yours is really special finding it like you did, how lucky is that. I'm not so sure about your Scorpion pods but awesome chile plants in the Canadian Prairies. Keep in touch more often. :cheers:

Thanks PRF. I have 3 Scorpion plants. Two of them look normal but this one looks like that. Is it a variant? I was thinking maybe a chocolate sScorpion...? Some of the pods are long and some are round. On the same plant. I also have 2 Fatallii plants...the normal one I posted and another one with red pods. I took the seeds from the source. Weird year...for me, anyway.

Yeah. It has been a while since I was on. I should log on more often. Thanks for the great compliment.
Hmm, that doesn't look like a scorpion to me. Either way, I'd try one out! Nice plants brother!


So here is a Scorpion from another plant:

Looks a bit more normal. This plant is from a seed I harvested last year from my own garden.

Here are 2 shots of a pod from the plant in question:


and more (bigger) pods from that same plant:

This is a plant I bought at a nursery I've been going to for many years. They had the plant labeled as a Scorpion. So, if it isn't a Scorpion...what is it?

Thanks for your help.
Sheldon you're garden is looking nice !! I tried several times to send you a picture of a 7 Pod I got from the seeds you sent me. A very nice plant & pods.

Thanks and Peace,
P. Dreadie
