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my prized naga plant was killed in a wind storm!!!!!

60 pods all 1/4 inch are all dead!!!!

this is crap!!!!

my others did not receive the love that this one did so they are tiny compared to it.

my only hope are my greenhouse buddies that have taken inn to a few spares I had given them.

seeing that plant laying on the ground made me sick and i took the day off from work to deal with it.

all I had to do was take it in the greenhouse and this could have never happened.

I need a hug from rainbow:cry:
where did it snap off?? I ask because I had Scotch Bonnet
snapped and I was gonna pitch it but It has since regrown.
Heres some pics

here it is 3 weeks later on left

Its rough I know I was screaming when this happened but it recovered
Daaaammm... (gives manly hugs of chile grief)

Im not very siober, but i feel the pain.....or wil later.. ;P

Sorry mang...that sux ass.
I gotta CR Hab seedling that lost it's top, and still thinks it can grow.

It has no leaves..it's a stem@!@.and it wotn die. It's ben just a 1" stem for two months. Still green, and it has roots.I dont know what to do with it..lol..

Dem some tuff pepper mang. Don't goive u[p on em
I crept out of bed in the early hours of the morning as it started chucking it down with rain and the wind was getting up so I could resuce two young plants. I got the fright of my life when the security light came on and lit the garden up with me, plants in hands, half naked :oops:

shayneyasinski said:
I need a hug from rainbow:cry:

There you go
all better.
You where not the only creeping..running actually in the rain last week..got holes in some fatalli/Nagas from the rain it was that intense and lasted 8 hrs worst downpour we had in years around here..so the half naked bit doesn't count unless the neighbors where looking :rolleyes::oops:
Yeah the rain has been in short bursts but it dosen't half make a racket, I've had a few plants knocked over by the wind too.

talas said:
..so the half naked bit doesn't count unless the neighbors where looking :rolleyes::oops:

Thanks for making me feel better.
I sympathize, went out after yesterday's rain and wind to find many plants knocked down. The worst was the devils tongue, one whole branch with pods on it was broken off. I stuck it back in the pot to see if it will root again but I don't know. Hope your friends have peppers for you. Sorry for your loss, these peppers are like our babies...we're addicted lol.

sorry to hear about your babies...I know how dear they are to us...hopefully your friends will have a couple for you...
I thought that I was the only one having problems all year so I guees I'm not alone,sorry people for all your plants I had very bad year my self with weather, animals even birds breaking to the bottom my Tovary & C.Eximium I lost lot of precious plant this year thanks God at least my C.Lanceolatum & C.Galapagoence are still ok.Shayne your plats will recover if is broken on half my are dead.
Damn sorry to hear it.Hope it comes back for you.I lost about 100 pods yesterday in a storm here from my habs.Damn keep the fingers crossed for everyone!
there is one branch that is still attached so I am hoping the huge root system will produce some high powered peppers to that branch???
I called the other guys that I gave nagas to and they are fine so I will no matter what have a few to eat.
shayneyasinski said:
there is one branch that is still attached so I am hoping the huge root system will produce some high powered peppers to that branch???
I called the other guys that I gave nagas to and they are fine so I will no matter what have a few to eat.

hey whats amazed me in my first growing year is how chili plants bounce back from broken branches,getting torn in half,i have a naga that was just a stick left about 5 inches and now it has dozens of leaves and has lots of small pods..so don't worry you'll be fine and the plants laughing at you :lol:;)
I know a lot of you have seen this photo a billion times but my naga that I dropped on its head was fine, there wasn't much root ball left either.

Reading all these posts again, I had a thought..we baby the peppers and something like this happens and they grow on...guess maybe they're telling us they can survive? Stubborn little critters seem to make it through a lot of different problems.
