My Redneck DIY portable pizza oven

Here is a better pic of the setup and when the coals were directly under the pan it was to hot and burned the pizza quickly so I had to spread them between the brick and the wall and some near the front of the pan leaving no coals directly underneath the pan. But the trial and error payed off and now I have it dialed in for pizza's.

Well after all was said and done it was a fun project and learning experience. My kamado grill still makes better pizzas and so does my convection oven in my kitchen at 550* with pizza stones. I might just buy one of the stainless steel lighter weight pizza ovens. It will be a cheaper one like the Uuni2s or a $1000 ilForno type oven. 
I just could not get a consistent heat needed for a good pizza with the portable oven. 
I'm going to use the brick and make a couple of raised beds with them. :)
Twas a valiant effort. I have had the best luck with my 550 F oven and two pizza steels, which I like better than stones.
I have also had pretty good luck with a bakerstone on a (gasp) gas grill. 
I have a SS camp chef outdoor pizza oven, but it gets too hot on the bottom, so you have to time your warm-up just right (only about 5-8 minutes). The first time I tried a one- hour warm up and burnt the hell out of everything. It is tricky, but it beats heating up the kitchen when it is warm outside.
SavinaRed said:
I just could not get a consistent heat needed for a good pizza with the portable oven.
Which portable oven?
midwestchilehead said:
Twas a valiant effort. I have had the best luck with my 550 F oven and two pizza steels, which I like better than stones.
I have also had pretty good luck with a bakerstone on a (gasp) gas grill. 
I have a SS camp chef outdoor pizza oven, but it gets too hot on the bottom, so you have to time your warm-up just right (only about 5-8 minutes). The first time I tried a one- hour warm up and burnt the hell out of everything. It is tricky, but it beats heating up the kitchen when it is warm outside.
This one gets great reviews on a pizza forum where most people there build really nice outdoor ovens. This one is gas and the stone rotates and makes a perfect pizza in 90 seconds - 2 minutes.
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