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My Thai Habaneros

Excellent! They look great! So what are you going to do with them?

The father of a friend of mine spends his winters in Thailand. He's got some fantastic stories. It's definitely on my list of places to visit.
Duffman said:
Excellent! They look great! So what are you going to do with them?

The father of a friend of mine spends his winters in Thailand. He's got some fantastic stories. It's definitely on my list of places to visit.

Cut into one of them yesterday to try it and the flavor is a 10; the heat is up there but not sure it's a 10 (I didn't eat much, just a nibble). I'll make a chutney today and get a better idea about the heat.
Thailand is always a great place to visit; but it's not for everybody for the long term. 7+ years in and I'm still lovin it. :cheers:
Habanero-Mango Chutney;

3 Habaneros
2 Mangoes (yellow sweet variety-ripe)
1/2 Medium yellow onion
10 Cloves of garlic
4 Tbsp. lime juice (fresh squeezed)
1 Tbsp. Aged rice vinegar

Finely chop 3 seeded Habaneros
Finely chop the garlic
Finely chop the 1/2 onion
Finely chop the mango
Add lime juice and vinegar, mix well and refrigerate for 1 hour. This gives everything a chance to meld the flavors and to get the heat from the peppers. The yield is approximately 1-1/2 cups. Enjoy.

Just to try it (after an hour for aging), I had some Ritz type whole wheat crackers with a slice of cheddar and topped it with the chutney, yummm! Tonight we'll have it as a condiment with an Indian style chicken curry.

I also posted this in the food section, red hot recipes, under salsas and sauces.
JungleRain said:
aroy...looks really yummy

Aroy? Oh, you're a closet Thai eh? Been here have you? ;)
Yes, it turned out really well. I've been wanting to do a mango chutney for years and finally got the Habaneros to do it. :lol:
:lol: I've spent almost half my life over there since I was 25 a very beautiful country and people

AjarnV said:
Aroy? Oh, you're a closet Thai eh? Been here have you? ;)
Yes, it turned out really well. I've been wanting to do a mango chutney for years and finally got the Habaneros to do it. :lol:
Habanero Twilight Zone...
...All available information says that temperatures above 32c will cause flower drop. Over the last 20 days the temperature has been 35 - 37c; in that time I harvested 4 peppers and since the harvest 4 days ago flower drop has been intermittent and approximately 6 fruits have set. There are roughly 30 flowers on any given day. There are no fruit on the plant now except for the newly set ones.
It would appear that temperatures above 32c do not completely stop fruit from setting on this plant.

As of this morning my Habanero is 91cm tall (36").

Here's my latest germination attempt;



This has been our biggest frustration; getting Habanero seeds to germinate. I've also got seeds in coffee filter paper after a peroxide soak. We're only a few days into this so maybe next week we'll have some results.
Good lookin' plant, bummer it is so difficult to get pods for you. Not sure if you are set on red habs more than others, have some peach habanero seeds that germinates very well. Never tried to over there though of course. They are open pollenated though. Drop a PM w/ your address if ya wanna try some.
Hey Boutros, thanks. The top row of coir plugs have 10 orange Habanero seeds. Orange are actually my favorite. I used up a pack of seeds last year (orange) and couldn't get 1 to germinate. :(
These are new seeds from South Devon Pepper Farm (my mate sent them over) and I'm only 3 days in at this point. So I'm hoping with the coir plugs that this will work. Cheers.

As to my plant; it seems to be setting fruit now; 8 at last count. Even with the temp at 35 - 38c it's still setting about 50% of the flowers. The other 50% are dropping.
JungleRain said:
Hi Verne,
if your lookin for some seeds to grow just give me a PM and I'll send you a some
take care

Thanks for that. Not yet though. Give me a week or 2 to see if I finally figured it out. How do you germinate your seeds?