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My Two Nagas

First peppers EVER! Well, first super hot peppers since I recently re-discovered how much I love hot sauce, hot peppers and spicy things and became completely obsessed with them.

These are Naga Morich plants I bought as starter plants from Hirt's Gardens.

I'm growing one indoors at work next to my desk under a crane desk lamp with a CFL on a timer and one outside the back door au naturale.

Here's my outdoor. The white stuff is bone meal, which I added because the leaves seemed to be getting kind of crinkly and it had been suggested to me that my pepper was calcium deficient. That plus I like the idea of adding the bones of dead animals to feed my super hot pepper.



Here's my indoor plant, which has leaves that are curling up slightly because (I think) of my bout with aphids last week. I finally killed all the aphids off on Friday and it was pest free over the weekend. I used a solution of water, dish soap and the soaking juice from a discarded cigarette butt I found outside the building as a spray for the plant. It took about three days and the aphids were gone.



My outdoor plant seems to have more new growth than my indoor. My indoor seems a lot greener and more lush than my outdoor. Both were presumably from the same batch of seeds at the nursery and arrived looking identical. I've been growing them for about a month now. Here's hoping I get fruit!
Nice looking plants. Keep spraying them if you had aphids. I got rid of them and didn't bother for a week and to my surprise they came back! Where do you get bone meal from? I read that it should be used if plants leaves look bubbly in the middle, but couldn't find any at 3-4 garden stores.
Easy with the cigarette juice, that stuff is wicked evil on live things. Great idea too. What are your plans with the Naga peppers?

LGHT you can find bone meal almost anywhere, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes etc. It usually comes in a box about the size of a small cereal box.

Good luck to the both of ya.
LGHT said:
Nice looking plants. Keep spraying them if you had aphids. I got rid of them and didn't bother for a week and to my surprise they came back! Where do you get bone meal from? I read that it should be used if plants leaves look bubbly in the middle, but couldn't find any at 3-4 garden stores.

Good advice, I'm spraying it every day, as a little man-plant bonding ritual and out of paranoia.

I got the bone meal at the local garden store called Armstrong's. It's made by EB Stone's and comes in a big box for $8. I hear you can sometimes get bone meal from feed stores.

patrick said:
Easy with the cigarette juice, that stuff is wicked evil on live things. Great idea too. What are your plans with the Naga peppers?

No idea. Eat some raw, make some salsa, maybe try making a sauce. I'm growing them at work as a hobby project with some of my co-workers who pitched in and are waiting patiently with not a small amount of curiosity as to how things turn out.

patrick said:
Good luck to the both of ya.

I'll keep checking, but I couldn't find bone meal in any of the garden areas like home depot, lowes, k-mart or a few specialty stores.
LGHT said:
I'll keep checking, but I couldn't find bone meal in any of the garden areas like home depot, lowes, k-mart or a few specialty stores.

Yea I would check HD again they usually have blood and bone meal in bags. I think they have it in the brands Miracle Gro and Vigoro.
I got to thinking, yeah yeah I smell smoke too, and I don't think spraying tobacco anything on plants is a good idea. You could end up with TMV, Tobacco mosaic virus, and that would be the end of your plants.

Plants can get it just by smoking around them, who knows what the chances are if your spraying it on them.
patrick said:
I got to thinking, yeah yeah I smell smoke too, and I don't think spraying tobacco anything on plants is a good idea. You could end up with TMV, Tobacco mosaic virus, and that would be the end of your plants.

Plants can get it just by smoking around them, who knows what the chances are if your spraying it on them.

First thing I thought of too........
That sound pretty ominous. I know the tomato is related to the tobacco plant, but I didn't think the pepper was susceptible to tobacco problems in the same way.

The guy who suggested I use cigarette butt juice also suggested I use my own urine in the mixture (which I decided against.)
Bob_B said:
The third and fourth photos of the plants are beautiful. They look so healthy! Great job.


Thanks Bob! That's my indoor plant, which I primp and preen and spray every day with water for some quality man-plant time. It never was hardened off from the starters and has been 100% indoor under CFL.
I know it is bad, but if TMV is going to hit anyone, it will eventually hit me...I smoke and handle my plants and even smoke in my greenhouse...maybe I am tempting fate, but so be it...
Hi Smariotti,

I am also growing a Naga Morich for the first time this year along with a trinidad scorpion and 7pot. I grew some habs last year, which worked well, but when I heard of some of the more exotic peppers I had to give them a try. My Naga looks to be about the same size as yours right now. Are you planning to keep them in pots or plant them in the ground eventually?

Good luck, I'll be curious to see how they turn out!
Back when I was a smoker I smoked around my tomato plants and never had any problems AJ. That was the time before super hots lol. Figured the plants were tough enough to handle it.
I always smoke round my plants and not had a problem. Surely when you smoke you are heating any virus up to a high enough temp to kill it?
Mr. Burns said:
Hi Smariotti,

I am also growing a Naga Morich for the first time this year along with a trinidad scorpion and 7pot. I grew some habs last year, which worked well, but when I heard of some of the more exotic peppers I had to give them a try. My Naga looks to be about the same size as yours right now. Are you planning to keep them in pots or plant them in the ground eventually?

Good luck, I'll be curious to see how they turn out!

Good luck to you too!

I wish I were growing some other ones such as the 7 pot and the red savina as well as the two nagas. I didn't realize at the time I bought the plants how much fun I'd be having with this. If this goes well, I'll do more next year.

I've got one outdoors in a pot and one indoors in a pot, and I'm not planning on planting either of them since I have pets and children who might accidentally find their way into the garden and get hurt with my peppers. I'm growing them at work where curious fingers won't get burned. :-)

smariotti said:
Good luck to you too!

I wish I were growing some other ones such as the 7 pot and the red savina as well as the two nagas. I didn't realize at the time I bought the plants how much fun I'd be having with this. If this goes well, I'll do more next year.

I've got one outdoors in a pot and one indoors in a pot, and I'm not planning on planting either of them since I have pets and children who might accidentally find their way into the garden and get hurt with my peppers. I'm growing them at work where curious fingers won't get burned. :-)

That's probably pretty good thinking keeping them away from children and pets, plus if anyone ticks you off at work you can spike their coffee!

Yeah, this is a ton of fun, what a great hobby, I'm totally obsessed. It will be nice to actually have a game plan next year, but I'm enjoying flyin' by the seat of my pants for now.

Here we are almost two months later and both Nagas are still growing well, albeit completely differently. The inside naga is long and stalky and very tall and bright green, the outdoor naga is short and bushy and dark green.

The indoor Naga wasn't getting enough light for a while, which is why I think it got so tall.

Is it possible to harden off a plant that's 30" tall? Will it be crushed under its own weight if I move it outdoors?

And what if I move the outdoor plant INDOORS for a while? Think it'll be OK (provided I have adequate light now, which I do?)





