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my very first porn

I only have 6 plants in 5 gallon containers on my deck.
No space for a garden. All in all I'm pretty happy with how they are doing.

Left to right they are 2 Naga Morich, 2 Caribbean Red Habanero, 2 Thai Dragons.

They are small but all are healthy and even the caribbeans are starting to produce pods.



One of the Caribbeans

Caribbean Red pods
Omri said:
Those plants are looking so vivid and fresh! you did a wonderful job. :cheers:


They got a really slow start due to the weather, but just in the last few weeks they are really taking off.
My brother, you've got my pepper Grandchildren growing very well!!!:P Dude, I honestly have to give you a big thumbs up as you have those plants looking very healthy!

The Nagas are starting to look beautifully deadly!!:onfire:
Nice plants...but I have a question...no room for a garden?...if you don't live in an apartment, why couldn't you use some of the area on the slope behind your deck?
QuadShotz said:
Seeing all those perched up there on a railing makes me nervous...

No want Humpty Dumpty Peppers! ;)

Have no fear. They are actually quite stable :)

Circumstances require that they be placed there. Next year I'll be building a shelf for them on the inside of the railing that will have a nice lip for added safety.
AlabamaJack said:
Nice plants...but I have a question...no room for a garden?...if you don't live in an apartment, why couldn't you use some of the area on the slope behind your deck?

Unfortunately I have an evil entity know as the homeowners association
that makes all kinds of retarded rules about what you can and cant do on the outside of your house, and I'd have to fill out 27 applications and forms and then probably be told that it wouldn't be a consistent look with the other houses.

It might have been worth fighting with them over the issue, but as you look at that hill in the first pic you are facing due west. In the morning that slope is completely shaded by my house (behind you in the pics), and in the afternoon once the sun gets past its zenith the hill itself and the trees on top of it blocks the direct sun. Its just a happy fluke that perched up on my railing like that halfway between my house and the hill, I can get direct sun on the plants from about 11:00 AM till almost 6:00 PM. Almost 7 hours. Not perfect, but its certainly enough.

That hillside gets only about 2-3 hours of direct sun, and thats at mid summer. Less in the spring and fall...
Pepp3rFreak said:
My brother, you've got my pepper Grandchildren growing very well!!!:P Dude, I honestly have to give you a big thumbs up as you have those plants looking very healthy!

The Nagas are starting to look beautifully deadly!!:onfire:

We have a date with a couple of those and a video camera. :hell:
Skyjerk said:
Unfortunately I have an evil entity know as the homeowners association...

Gotcha...that is why I chose not to join the homeowners association in my neighborhood (glad I had the choice)...bunch of busy bodies with nothing else better to do than try and find some silly violation...MHO
AlabamaJack said:
Gotcha...that is why I chose not to join the homeowners association in my neighborhood (glad I had the choice)...bunch of busy bodies with nothing else better to do than try and find some silly violation...MHO

You'll get no argument from me :)

Unfortunately in my case I had no choice...