just read through this thread
(my 1st real post)
I just read through this thread, and as a new (pepper) grower, there is a ton of misleadinghyped stuff out there. Ive heard of at least a dozen different cultivars that are claimed to be "worlds hottest". with so much misinformation out there its hard for a newbie to decide what to believe. my hope in joining this site was to get first hand info from experienced growerstasters, so i could being to form my own opinions.
anyway, this was a good thread to read through. for example, in reference to the tepin, i ordered a few different varities from ecoseeds, one of which was the tepin. along with my seeds, i got a free sample of dried tepin flakes. i havent had dried hab flakes, but the tepins (being billed as worlds hottest) were somewhat disapointing. hot, but not what i was expecting. (even though i wont be able to get any tepin pods this year, im still germing some anyway, ive heard you can overwinter them...)