Naga Pie makes the Local Paper

a Lot have seen the Naga Pie post, and finally they made them.

So Of course the Media had to come and 1st up we get the Local Papers.. here we Go this is Page 3 Of todays paper

Ok Make a Stupid face, no more stupid "ok CLICK"


but then as "you are immune so what about him? will he try 1 for us to Vid?" So enter Luke.. a few will know from here as met when go away or Out he works with me, helps out with filming plus is a shit hot drummer and in our band wasnt a big chillihead til we went to Sawtell where he cut loose and tried his 1st Fatali, then was Hooked, now will get into anything, other week he passed on the Nagapie when we all tested it as was the Youbeaut fullstrength,, these Pies atm are 1/3 strength 3 dessertspoons in 9 Pies but still Hottttttttt

Yeaaaaaaa, they make them EVERYDAY now So Come Up for a Pie if ya get the Chance, they Rock.

Waiting for Marcel to Ok the Vid took up at thechillifactory other day of him and a couple Mates trying them (full strength 1's).. HAHAHAHAHAHA Marcel nearly made it through 1/2 a Pie but was Crying and was Dorfin that much looked reallly out of it, Eddie his Mate got a FAIL, with 3 bites before running off for Milk.

im addicted to pies now and have had 5 in like last few weeks,, added Bonus is If ya'd Like a Butter chicken, or Lamb Korma they will Nagapaste it up for Ya, so No Pie is Safe now..

Oh My :)
Neil, that's pretty cool. What's the pie look like on the inside? Can you suggest a way i could mimic this at home? I don't see myself flying to Aus. any time soon. (damnit!) I don't need a recipe, but more a friendly guide. Or hell, if it's not a secret recipe...i'm game. ;) or..i can be trusted with secrets. (begging!)
you need to air mail some o them pies over here!!!!

and i see judging by THP's new avatar he likes father ted, nice!!!!
Hey pipi just ordered some piesssssss, 3 dozen to be exact :D

I am getting 6 curry and 6 plain for my mummy and 12 chicken korma and 12 chunky beef NAGAFIED pies, let me know if you want any of the goodness and i will drop them off on saturday afternoon, you can freeze these puppies too as Neil asked RON and he said it was ok to!
i did try, but the media have some weird thing bout Hippy's HAHAHAHAHAHA told Terry the reporter all Bout , gave her My Card and she mentions the arthritis thing But then mentions the chilli factory so go figure,,

Ron went to the Radio station,, (not enough rooom for you though) so didnt go "So Ron where did you get the Idea for these Pies?"

"a customer of mine.." Thats it Georgina wants to go Punch him in the Head as upset he didn't mention THSC either,

But as Its Happened for Years eg reaserchers/ reporters of some paper / garden Show (Gardening A______) would ring/ email ask Questions then not mention at all and Take all credit

Why i never say much but ya get that suppose was thinking of a Nudey Run on the SCG boxing day Test carrying the Hippy seed co Banner but not keeen on the Fine lol
You have many "friends" that would be glad to pitch in on the fine Neil:lol:

You have alot more advertising than you think.........all of us give referrals to you any time people talk peppers.
Now I was going to OZ to see Moyboy someday, but I think I just want to go to eat some pie. :lol:

Congrats Neil, you are famous!
Such a funny picture i am glad things are working out so well for ya hippy! :cool:

QuadShotz said:
pack em in dry ice and ship to MEEEEEEE... ;)

I was thinking the same but i doubt i would be able to finish more then half. :lol:
mate you gotta tell the baker fella he can only use your naga paste if he allows you to put a poster with your logo and stuff saying its your naga prouct used in the pie, up in his shop were everyuone can see. Its mutually beneficial and he will go for it. Don't let people take advantage of you I harte it when it happens to me.