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Naga Poll

If you could only grow one which would it be and why?

  • Naga Morich

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Dorset Naga

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Bhut Jolokia

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • Bih Jolokia

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
The dorset naga is the naga morich..well a strain of it.
Bih & Bhutt same naga..but some will say different,have tasted seen both and there identical to me..pods look the same to.The pods are slightly smaller for the naga morich though and i thought the morich hotter than the bhutt..just my opinion though ;)
I'm not qualified to say which. Most people aren't!

I went with the Morich, 7 pod, and scorpion for this year's real burners.
I didn't vote because my choice would be "Any of the above." For me the Naga Morich and Dorset naga grow and taste nearly identical but the pods are shaped a little different. I'd like to try Bhuts some time since they appear to have larger pods and I'm a large pod kinda guy:lol:
I didn't grow any of those only Naga Morich but I grow this year Naga Morich & Bhut Jolokia but I would say Bhut Jolokia that is my opinion .
i vote for bih jolokia; pods and taste are same of naga, at least very similar, but plants are a little different, and i prefer bih.

anyway, last year i tried bhut, no pods on three plants :(, never tried dorset..
I have grown this year only the nagas and the bhuts. Many more pods with the nagas yet the bhuts make up for that in the huge pod and fruity habanero smell that the naga lacks. My nagas are a lot like what chileheads say about scorpions, pure heat not much flavor. I vote for Bhut Jolokia but I will always grow both. Potawie I have several pods with your name on them if you like. Thanks again THP.
Basically yeah.... I guess it's hard to say, there are so many theories and they are all very similiar varieties for sure, but since this peppers were in grown in Bangladesh etc. for years before "we" discovered them it's not too surprising that some slightly different strains developed over the years.

And, oh yeah... your ignorance is forgiven! ;)
I am growing all of them this year...the Dorsets and Bihs are doing better than the Bhuts and Nagas but the Bhuts and Nagas were stunted because of sunscald...

my contest Nagas are almost 6' tall now and are setting new fruit after the first harvest...

Next year, I will grow all of them plus add the naga jalokis (chinense) I got from Key West...so far, the Dorset pods are bigger than my Nagas were but that is probably because they are in different potting medium....
You still think the Naga Jolokia is another species?
The way I see it there is naga morich jolokia and dorset naga jolokia as well as bhut an bih but no seperate naga jolokia variety
You still think the Naga Jolokia is another species?

Yes sir...or at least that is what the guy in the pepper shop in key west told me...he said one of his patrons was growing them and had given him some pods. I asked for one and let me tell you...the heat is nuclear...just like the Naga Morich...can't attest to the Dorsets, Bihs, and Bhuts 'cause they are just now setting fruit...

I don't know what else to call it except Naga Jalokia (chinense)...pod shape is close to the other superhots..here is a pic...


I will try and contact the pepper shop owner in Key West and see if I can find out any more about the pepper...
I've never heard of a jalokis or jalokia, I think they are all jolokia.
This year I think my Bangladesh naga is my most impressive jolokia. It's just starting to really grow now but its got some big, cool looking pods

Ya, I read that article before. Kind of lame for us chileheads who already know that stuff but the average Canadian would think this guy is a pepper god
Really pretty pepper you have Potawie but it doesn't looks like a naga at all. It is too big first off and the skin is smooth and shiny not like any Bhut/Naga. Yours looks like a cross between a scorpion pepper and a bhut Jolokia. AJ's pepper looks more like it belongs to the bhut/naga family than yours. Did you want me to send you a few bhuts, I'd be happy to? I think the Key West store owner just got the name wrong, the whole naga jolokia name is very confusing and he just got the words messed up.
My seeds came from a naga pod purchased in Bangladesh and this was before Bhut's or scorpions or Nagas were really available here. Nagas have been around for decades, likely centuries, but now that they are popular in North America there is so much confusion and marketing B.S. that I've personally lost a lot of interest.
Thanks for the seed offer PRF, I might take you up on it in the fall.
Of the peppers on the poll I'm only growing naga morich and bhut jolakia. They don't have peppers yet so I'm not even close to having an opinion on how they taste or how hot they will be.
Cool, I'll send you seeds then in the fall. Always enjoy your knowledge in all your posts and pictures of your heavenly garden. My bhut did not come from NMSU but look identical, I will be growing a lot more of these next year.