• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

Naga Snake Bite

Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for the positive feedback on my first sauce. Its your kind comments that make all the experimenting & hard work worth while.

Its a fine balance between keeping the sauce 'natural' (i.e not adding extracts) and making it almost inedible. I could add a 6m extract to the next batch if there is demand.

In the mean time I'll resist the temptation and keep with the strap line 'Extreme Heat Equisite Taste'. :mouthonfire:

hi to everyone

Hi to all and sundry. Having just won the extreme sauce catagory and looking at the forum frequently I thought I should join and get more involved.

A wee introduction: I make sauces and grow and import chillis into the UK. The chilli industry in the UK is growing fast with a lot of companies springing up all over the place. Its a great place to be if your into chillis with the chilli fiesta at west dean and the growing fiery food shows we are organising (to be known as FFUK).
There are some fantastic sauces and a load of crap too usually called chilli jam and made with a little red powder and 'made for people who dont like chilli'. Youll notice I have a bad habit of rambling and ranting. Chillis are a way of life to us everything we do is centred around them. I'm sure a lot of members can relate to that.

Anyway enough ranting. We're off to Mexico chilli hunting on xmas day so I'll try and keep in contact and add the odd rant and let you know what we find.
Welcome CPP. Ramble on and let us know what you find in Mexico. Safe travels, be aware of your surroundings.
Got my bottle, and liked it a lot.
Took a chicken leg and covered it with the Snakebite PR, sure was tasty. :)

thehotpepper.com said:
Listed Ingredients:
Onions, carrots, tomatoes, vinegar, naga morich red chillis, ginger, sugar, red bell peppers, garlic, olive oil, salt.
BTW just noticed that there's a little comma (",") between the the "naga morich" and "red chillis", so those are two ingredients, not one. :lol:
Maybe it's because of my expectations? I mean, I expected something outrageously hot.
It's pretty hot, not one of those mild sauces you see going around under 'HOT!', but just not as hot as I thought it would be.

Don't get me wrong, it's a great sauce. I totally recommend it.
Have to agree with Omri. Brilliant sauce, not too hot. But for a natural sauce surely it will get very expensive if you had to use so many chillis in it until you got it as hot as sauces with extract in.
T&T pepper sauce

Omri said:
It's almost empty. trust me, I use it just fine. :)

Pepper Sauce is Cheap in T&T... only cost US$2. per bottle 0.9 FL OZ. I think u will like Trini pepper sauce... I make mine with 7 Pods,Habs,Faria and Hood...

Trini pepper sauce, do they available in US?? I look on internet but I can find only Trinidad Habanero Pepper Sauce. Is this what you make??
TriniHottie said:
Pepper Sauce is Cheap in T&T... only cost US$2. per bottle 0.9 FL OZ. I think u will like Trini pepper sauce... I make mine with 7 Pods,Habs,Faria and Hood...

Must have... must have sauce or head will explode. (:lol:)

Can I order it online? Probably not, but how exactly can I get it?
Thanks again for the help, Sara. :)