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scovilles Naga Viper New Guinness World Record Holder

How has this happened? We have all seen the recent publicity surrounding the Naga Viper, now all of a sudden guinness are recognising one-off tests at Warwick University as proof of a new world record holder
They announced the Infinity was the world's hottest last week, then within a week change their minds and announce the naga Viper as the new record holder! :crazy:

Chilefoundry Naga Viper Link

What concerns me is that the true hottest chillies in the world such as scorpions and doughlahs are not going to get a chance to claim the title, as they will be tested PROPERLY and may struggle to achieve SHU levels consistantly above 1,382,000.

All seems very strange to me as I thought guinness would only accept the stringent test procedures as set out by Dr Bosland???
Anyone know whay this seems to have changed?
As far as the GB site shows the Infinity still holds the record. (again by a single Warwick test) http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/Search/Details/Hottest-chili/49118.htm
As far as the GB site shows the Infinity still holds the record. (again by a single Warwick test) http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/Search/Details/Hottest-chili/49118.htm

Yup this has only just happened in the last couple of days but I would expect to see them change the GB site very soon.
It's still crazy that they are even showing the Infinity as the new world record holder in the first place!!
Nothing appears to have changed with Guinness in the last 10-15 years when it comes to hottest chiles. Just continuous errors :(
Guinness simply don't care...

They must have dropped their standards for the title when so many peppers were coming into them for testing.
Is it even slightly fair? not to the natural-born peppers who deserve the title, they shall remain as exotics to everybody and these cross-bred peppers will slowly become widespread. You won't find me with any naga viper powder, maybe sauce but nothing else.

I look at the issue with vengeance. the title must go to the real hottest in the world, and all of the superhots originate in Trinidad, in the Caribbean as we all know. Dr. Dave DeWitt also said on that martha stuart segment that the Bhut Jolokia also came from there once upon a time.

So did you know that even though they all originated in the Caribbean, the worlds hottest pepper originates in the UK? Funny how the world works...
They must have dropped their standards for the title when so many peppers were coming into them for testing.

They've never had any real standards when it comes to hottest pepper. Look at the history, they've been consistantly wrong or mistaken with hottest pepper for as far back as I can remember. At least they are still being consistant :)
I don't know the whole story but from what I've read here they did not follow the same method of testing. Therefore there should be two awards or Guiness should decide on one method and re-test. Still, these peppers aren't widely available so how much does it really matter?

But yeah, how many people care about Guiness World Records enough to buy books/receive web traffic? So they put out these seemingly bogus awards to get some public interest. Can't blame them really.
POTAWIE hi : ) and

Dude, they never had Habanero in as the hottest chile, and I Learned from Youtube, that it is. silly record book ;)
I believe the orange hab actually had the Guinness record briefly. I think it was after the siling labuyo :crazy: and before the red savina, but I could be wrong
Who's to say that the e-mail was actually REAL? Hell, I could print a copy right now that would show the same dude claiming MY pepper, the "Im Full of Shit Pepper," as the hottest in the world at 438 trillion SVU's. Until it's it's IN THE BOOK, it ain't true. All it is is Gerald trying to sell peppers. Hell, I even e-mailed him and asked him about seeds. Wanna guess if I even got a reply?
This comming from the same place that showed the Dorset at 1.5 SHU!! That was a one off test and why isnt it the record holder? It's all BS. The TS or Douglah is probably the hottest but that doesnt seem to matter to anyone at Warwick or GB.
oh well, people are gonna grow the strains that appeal to them no matter what guiness says. chilis were grown long before guiness was around. hey sean do you have any seeds for that i'm full of shit pepper? sounds like a real scorcher!LMAO!! everyone who's really into this stuff knows waht the hottest strains are.
But has the hottest pepper ever been in the actual book? Not as far as I know, but I haven't read the very lastest version.

Yeah agreed unless its in the hard copy I say invalid. Reports like this are popping up all the time. I really dont care about which is supposedly the hottest any more.
Guinness has never really been about anything apart from one-offs. Most records are done once, and never repeated constantly. Speed records, distance records, basically anything in the book isn't done on a regular basis.

Same with chillies. It isn't about the variety, or the plant, or anything producing fruit constantly at a specific heat, it is about who can prove to be one-higher/faster/longer/heavier than the last one.

We know better. But we aren't the people giving money to Guinness.
Guinness has never really been about anything apart from one-offs. Most records are done once, and never repeated constantly. Speed records, distance records, basically anything in the book isn't done on a regular basis.

Same with chillies. It isn't about the variety, or the plant, or anything producing fruit constantly at a specific heat, it is about who can prove to be one-higher/faster/longer/heavier than the last one.

We know better. But we aren't the people giving money to Guinness.

I don't buy this for an instant.
The Guiness record WILL be broken...but not this time.
And in my humble guess...the pepper will not be bred in England...OR tested at Warwick....but somewhere in South America maybe...or India again...or one of the Super-Hots listed right here in THP. I know it's a hotly debated issue here...but people aren't stupid...and for about 10 years now the Bhut Jolokia has been 'lighting up' the Search engines...and they are still selling like Hot Cakes...most companies are sold out AGAIN this year. So the flavor can't be THAT bad. Somebody is recommending them and buying them again and growing them successfully. The previous record holder, the Red Savina didn't stay popular with gardeners this long.
Hmmm....Wonder why. Hype doesn't last for a Decade. If I remember correctly the first article about these peppers came out way back in September of 2000 in the International Herald Tribune. Let the folks BUYING be the voting booths.
They are usually right.
:dance: :lol: :dance: :lol: