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Nagas up close

Pretty mean looking pepper, like Potawie I would have some at the start but then they would stop with the thorns, but only the ones I got right from India.

Quadshotz said:
"Might wanan see if those are hotter than non-barbed ones and save seeds eh"
At that heat range how would one tell?
Here is my 2 cents worth...from what I have read and seen here and other places, the basic Naga Morich, Dorset Naga, Bhut Jolokia, Bih Jolokia, and true Naga Jolokia (not the PC1) may, and I say MAY be from the same basic genetic stock but through breeding and being bred in different climate/environmental conditions they have somewhat differed...they are all nuclear hot...one thing I have noticed here in north Texas, the Dorsets do NOT like the heat as well as the Bhuts and Naga Morich...MO
There are some noticeable differences between all the nagas/bhuts etc. but they likely all come from the same original source
My Dorset Naga last year was my most productive plant ever by far, but this year my Nagas are way behind due to aphids and other problems early on.
talas said:
potawie is spot some seeds i had from south Africa where from Bangladeshi source whos ancestors came over the beginning of the 20th century..all roads lead to Bangladesh not India as being the original nagas origin country :)

Actually, all chiles are native to the Americas and none to Asia.
There's no aactual need to post this, nut I felt like adding my two cents to the "these guys look mean" discussion, because that's what they do! Congrats, mate - I wish those were mine!