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hot-sauce Nando's Peri-Peri sauces

I was given a Nando's chilli sauce gift pack for christmas...

I have seen these sauces in the supermarkets and have been keen to try them for a while now....

I was overall very disappointed with the results...

I got lemon & herb, garlic, medium and hot peri-peri sauces, and not one of them did anything for me....

The lemon and herb tasted like a salad dressing with a tiny amount of heat....The garlic one had a taste more of garlic essence instead of real garlic...

The medium and hot sauces tasted mostly the same and a bit bland, but with slightly different heat levels..

All in all I wasn't happy with the sauces which was disappointing.

Has anyone else tasted these sauces and what are your thoughts???
I've tried and hated the Nando's

it's got the sort of heat my grandma would appreciate on her scones with nice cuppa tea

I hate to dis your present, I hope it wasn't given to you by someone special.
As my first post stated, I disliked these sauces myself so don't worry about bagging it out. It was given to me by a family member, and I smiled and said "mmmmmmmmm, wow, it's really nice"....:lol: as any good person would do on christmas.

I never like seeing the disappointment in peoples eyes when they have put so much effort into getting something just to see you turn up your nose....
In my opinion the Best way to use nandos products is to..... throw them at the neighbours cats. they are excellent projectiles.
stillmanz said:
In my opinion the Best way to use nandos products is to..... throw them at the neighbours cats. they are excellent projectiles.

After tasting these sauces a few times now I totally agree with those comments.

I can't understand how such a crappy sauce can be so widely distributed.....I could have got it from my local supermarket and I'm bloody glad I didn't...
they are a big company they can pump out a heap of units at a rediculiously cheap price and thats all the big food supermarkets want. easily accessable cheap buy.

Makes you realize how great the traditional Tabasco sauce is when you try the nandos stuff.
there are many sauces that i've bought from large stores that i wouldn't recommend to anyone and nando's is one of them. Mass produced muck
stillmanz said:
Makes you realize how great the traditional Tabasco sauce is when you try the nandos stuff.

wow, they must be that bad with a statement like that :lol:

at first I thought this was a chili mixture sauce for chili ;)
stillmanz said:
they are a big company they can pump out a heap of units at a rediculiously cheap price and thats all the big food supermarkets want. easily accessable cheap buy.

Makes you realize how great the traditional Tabasco sauce is when you try the nandos stuff.

Thats what reckon Stillz.
What i do is empty the garbage out of the bottle and fill it with something decent (homemade stuff) and then take it to work.
The look on peeps faces when they realise it aint the crappy Nandos and statrs to burn their face off is hilarious :)
Can it be fixed? You know add a bit of that or a pinch of this kind of thing. Hate to see it all go to waste moyboy.
moyboy said:
I was given a Nando's chilli sauce gift pack for christmas...

Has anyone else tasted these sauces and what are your thoughts???

I got given the same pack, I haven't tried any of them yet.
I actually didn't mind them too bad. Of course I used them as marinades. The garlic one was good with chicken. They are a bit vinegary if I recall so that was what I thought they would work best for.
Nandos have a large range of pathetically scovilled sauces with true cheese sandwich heat in a barfable base.
I agree, they give Tabasco a good name.
You know, personally, (I may be crucified for this here) I think Tabasco has been given a bad name unfairly. It has never claimed to be more than it is: peppers and vinegar. It has been consistent for over a hundred years and over 100 countries. It is not what we as chileheads crave, but why such a bad rap?
I saw the Nando's restaurant in downtown Wash, DC and I was curious to try it one day despite what I thought of their sauces. They were at the first Weekend of Fire at Jungle Jim's, and everything they gave to taste was mediocre at best. Bland, but not bad, just nothing worth buying in my book. They have such a huge line, you would think that some ethnic group is keeping them from going out of business. I just haven't figured out who.
JayT said:
You know, personally, (I may be crucified for this here) I think Tabasco has been given a bad name unfairly. It has never claimed to be more than it is: peppers and vinegar. It has been consistent for over a hundred years and over 100 countries. It is not what we as chileheads crave, but why such a bad rap?

:shocked: get out
