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Need Help IDing Yellow Pube After Squirrel Attack

Need help with this ol' yellow pube ID, if possible. As mwm has pointed out, there are a LOT of them. But I'm looking for general suggestions so I might be aware of more varieties and see if it'll match up to any once they are fully ripened.

Not a ton to go on, but here's my only picture of a ripe (bag ripened after a squirrel attack) one so far. This plant was planted out in March of 2012, and this is its first full flush of peppers, which started production about December of '12. These things take FOREVER to produce fruit. Only the second successful pube I've grown (I'm really new to them).

What was the seed traded/purchased as? Pics of the plant or other pods on the plant? Canario is a good guess,they are more round but that doesn't mean it isn't one.

Definitely don't know what it was traded/purchased as. I thought this plant was a goner in a pot last spring so I put it in ground. It suffered there till early summer and then I pulled it back out and put it back in a pot with fresh soil. It did better and then flourished over the winter.

I'll snag another shot or two of the plant/other pods.

All of these pods seem to be that same pendant shape. No roundie rounds.
PI 593633

Seems to be close. The ridge at the stem doesn't seem to be there on mine, but the size is more apt compared to the other two, which appear to be smaller (I'm assuming those are metric rulers).

More pics...


I like the dimples on that one fruit.
