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Nee's first pepper season. (Australia) Pics, vids & banter.. yey! \\(^o^)//

Hi all! Although i've been into hot sauces / chillies for a long time, a Google regarding "growing chillies in Australia" led me to this site......and onto amazing people here in Australia, who have inspired me to grow my own!
There's not a lot to report as of yet, but here's my story so far! Please feel free to give advice to a newbie, as i really want this human vs chilli relationship to work out!

The story so far....

Pre-soaking my chilli seeds. I have 14 or more varieties to sow: From top left to bottom right....

Habanero Chocolate
Scotch Bonnet TFM
Bhut Jolokia
Pimenta da Neyde
Magnum Habanero
7 Pod Jonah

Habanero White Giant
Hot Fish
Cili Goronong
7 Pod Red crossed Yellow
Habanero White JellyBean


Cutting the seeds from a Yellow 7 Pod....this time with GLOVES!! lol I have a load of extra seeds saved...just in case the winter grow doesn't work out, and i need to replant in the spring.


Week 1....seeds are in a propagator, kept at a constant 25 degree's thanks to the cable modem it's sat on! I don't expect any change for 4 weeks or so....fingers crossed!
Hey Neil. Yeah the light is always that high. I've experimented with a few different heights and that one seems to be heights that works the best. Strange hey.. Could it be because it's a CFL?

And yep, definitely my stack of guitars. I'm a very keen musician. Been playing guitar for about 22 years. Predominately classical and Spanish guitar these days. I love it.

Here's another shot where the light is visible.

Nice one Chris!! I play guitar too

Righty ho...some recent pics...










Hey Neil. Yeah the light is always that high. I've experimented with a few different heights and that one seems to be heights that works the best. Strange hey.. Could it be because it's a CFL?

Wow, thats deffo interesting.......as my plants get REAL leggy if i have my lights more than 12" away....4" seems the best height with my flouro's ;s
Not getting too excited just yet, but i appear to have another species popping up when i checked this evening.
I've not had anything germinate for ages, so it's a bit of an occasion!
The last time i popped over to JungleRain's he gave me some "mystery seeds", but thinks they *might* be from a trinidad scorpion moruga chocolate that he was cutting up......so time will tell.
Nice to have something new on the go :)
Hi Neil
You've got some really healthy looking chiles there!
I'm interested in the Macedonian chile you have going. Where did you get the seeds? I'll be watching this winter to see how they came out for you. Cheers
Hi Neil
You've got some really healthy looking chiles there!
I'm interested in the Macedonian chile you have going. Where did you get the seeds? I'll be watching this winter to see how they came out for you. Cheers

Hi Stick! Many thanks mate....i'm getting there, and learning all the time! Loving my new hobby and find it really rewarding!
As for the Macedonian, that's yet another i got from JungleRain (Grant) from this forum. I'm stoked that he only lives a 15 minute drive from here. He's been so generous with both his seeds and his time / advice :)

Very nice grow. Good to see another guitarist on here. Seems there are a few. I've been playing since '83.
Hi Doc! Yeah, i guess i've been playing since about the same, as i had guitar lessons when i was 9...but it was only after i left school that i actually got my head around it....not that i can read music, as i play by ear.
What kind of stuff are you into playing, or is it a bit of everything?
Hi Doc! Yeah, i guess i've been playing since about the same, as i had guitar lessons when i was 9...but it was only after i left school that i actually got my head around it....not that i can read music, as i play by ear.
What kind of stuff are you into playing, or is it a bit of everything?

I'm an ear/tabulature player, as well. What got me into playing was '80's metal. I still play some of that, but also classic rock. I've been wanting to get an acoustic and learn some flamenco. 20 guitars and one bass. Not one is an acoustic. Ha!
20 + 1 Wow, you're a SERIOUS player then!? lol
Only ever had one guitar :(

80's metal got me into playing too! My album of choice was Iron Maiden - Live After Death.....i'd spend hours learning the songs off there!
80's metal got me into playing too! My album of choice was Iron Maiden - Live After Death.....i'd spend hours learning the songs off there!

Awesome! One day when I was a senior in high school I was washing my truck with the radio on. "The Trooper" came on. When I heard the guitar solo I stopped what I was doing and just listened. That was the day I really wanted to learn how to play the guitar. Dave Murray and Adrain Smith FTW.

Not so much a serious player as a demented collector, hahaha!
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Again, no biggie update tonight...but just to say that i've had another sprout and begin it's journey! This time it's a Madballz 7.
Will post pics when they're spawning some leaves :)
mate, did you plant that pimienta pitanga that Grant gave us? we'll probably be down this weekend too.
Ahhhhh!!!! Hi Bernardo! No.....damn....i left the seeds to dry out, but totally forgot they were there, and they went awol. But if you have a couple you can bring down at the weekend, then i will make sure they get into the Jiffy pellets this time!!! I'm still hunting for those Fish Eye ones for you mate! We'll deffo get them!
Okey doke....
No huge update really....just a shot of the newly sprouted ones and a few more showing how little room i have left here now (hurry up spring!!)
Lately i've been watering only when the plants look like they are starting to wilt a bit....and it's been totally fine up until now....although my Manzano yellow looked like it needed a drink, so i tried bottom watering for a change, to try and help with the fungus gnats situation, but then the bottom leaves went a bit yellow for some reason. I've had it in the window in some sun today to hopefully dry the soil out a bit. Im not overly worried these days about stuff like that, but i just found it a bit bizarre that it's the only plant to have been affected. Oh well!

Here's a few newly sprouted....a couple of 'mystery' seeds, although hopefully Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Chocolate (i sowed 2 of these and both came up within days....real good germination time on these!!)
And also had a 7 Pot Madballz pop out....and after looking tonight it seems that i have the 2nd one germinate today too!


The bigger plants



Pretty much everything is producing flowers now. I think this one is the Macedonian which i finally got round to potting up this evening!


Still only managing one pod on my Hot Fish....even though the thing is flowering like mad.
I've tried hand pollinating numerous times with the other flowers, but without success. The others seem to be breaking off at the stalk, and are generally not very strong (like if i shake the plant gently i get a heap fall off) No idea why though?!


Up above the rooftops!! :) My Pimenta De Neyde, Manzano, and a Bhut i think...


Crowded house...


Cant wait to get these outside now, so we can put our dining room back to how it was...lol We had to move a load of furniture into 'non-convenient' places to get my grow space sorted!!!


That's it for today!
Cheers for looking

Neil :)
Still only managing one pod on my Hot Fish....even though the thing is flowering like mad.
I've tried hand pollinating numerous times with the other flowers, but without success. The others seem to be breaking off at the stalk, and are generally not very strong (like if i shake the plant gently i get a heap fall off) No idea why though?!
It sounds like you could use a little magnesium. I'd get some bone meal or epsom salts and work a little bit into the soil surface around the plants and water it in. If you use the epsom salts, don't use too much... probably a teaspoon at a time is enough. Peppers need adequate magnesium for good flowers and root structure. Bonemeal is a more broad spectrum nutrient since it also has calcium and a little nitrogen, but not too much. If you can, after working in bonemeal, water with collected rainwater if you can. It's slightly acidic and will dissolve the nutrients faster. Cheers
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Thanks Stickman, i will give the epsom salts a try. The ones that fall off seem very pale in colour (like where they are normally a green stalk, the ones dropping off are white) and i just put this down to the fact that the plant is variegated and that some stalks might be white and others green?
Will let you know how i get on....will pick up some epsoms tomorrow :)

Looking great, man! If I did that to our dining room, my wife would kill me! Good on ya!

Haha!! Thankfully she's very understanding! I'm slowly getting her into hot food, but it's going to take some time :)

OK, no update, but i just wanted to post on here that i think i have some sort of chilli plant ocd or something, as less than 24 hours ago i'm posting on here how little room i have for my existing plants, but then tonight i find myself sowing yet more seeds.

Just sowed:

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Pimienta Pitanga[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Bhut Jolokia Chocolate x 7 Pot Yellow[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]7 Pot Douglah[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Bhut Jolokia Yellow[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Trinidad Scorpion Large[/background]
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Scotch Bonnet TFM[/background]

Looking really really good. Can't wit to follow you through this season

Many thanks Sanarda!!

OK, smallish update....

No idea what's going on with this 7 pot red crossed yellow...

I got home from work on Weds and had a quick peek at the plants and noticed this one was starting to wilt a fair amount....so i watered it fairly heavily, to the point that the water was coming from the bottom of the pot.
I expected it to pick up a little by Thursday evening, but it was still the same...all droopy and limp.
So when i got home tonight (Friday) i was amazed that it STILL hadn't picked up at all. So i decided to carefully pull the pot off to see what was happening, and couldn't believe that the soil was still bone dry!?
So i have watered it really heavily again tonight, but was hoping someone might be able to say whether sometimes these plants get super-thirsty and require a lot more water than usual? I'd like to think i'm getting pretty good with my judgement on when these need water, and how much, but finding it so dry after only a day made me wonder! All of my other plants are fine with my watering regime....it's just this one.
I'm thinking maybe moving it up to a bigger pot might help hold the moisture a bit? I dunno!? It's not like the temp here has picked up in the last few days.....weird!

A sad 7 pot


Other 'news'....the large pod on my Hot Fish has started to change from stripey green & white to red...


And although i look over my plants all the time, i only spotted this tonight! The Hot Fish's second pod is on it's way!! It's weird how i didn't spot it before, as it's right at the very top of the plant.
Also, Stickmans advice regarding adding some epsom salts appears to be working, as i have discovered far fewer flowers dropping off in the last day or so....thanks for that mate :)


Also spotted the first pod forming on the Macedonian.


A general overview of the established plants.


Plus a few newbies. The Bhut Jolokia Choc x 7 pot yellow came up this morning...


Spring is getting ever nearer now....i can't believe where the time has gone, as i remember starting out with this in March and wondering if this was going to work out...and spring seemed so far away!

Thanks for looking guys, and all the best for your grow too :)