New Dude.

Hey folks. Unfortunately I'm not growing this year but I'm still consuming mass quantities of chile laden food. I would say that I'm not just a chile-head. I'm also a foodie. I'm not above downing half a box of cheez-its and a half a bottle of hot sauce but I really enjoy creating scratch-made, sometimes gourmet fiery meals and sharing them with the readers of my site.

The real reason I'm here is because I'm really interested in learning the ropes when it comes to drafting a hot sauce recipe and how to go about packaging it. I'm also interested in growing a few plants. So I'll probably do a lot of lurking as there is much good material here to review and I'll chime in frequently because I can't help myself.

Lastly, I'm here because I heard you needed a new wiseguy. ;P

Cheers guys and happy chile-ing!
Wisegal can always use a wise pal! Welcome from Chicago. You don't need the hot sauce, I believe they make Tabasco CheezIts.
Welcome from Austin Texas.

May You Soul Rest In Peppers



Welcome from Fort Worth
Hey folks. Unfortunately I'm not growing this year but I'm still consuming mass quantities of chile laden food. I would say that I'm not just a chile-head. I'm also a foodie. I'm not above downing half a box of cheez-its and a half a bottle of hot sauce but I really enjoy creating scratch-made, sometimes gourmet fiery meals and sharing them with the readers of my site.

The real reason I'm here is because I'm really interested in learning the ropes when it comes to drafting a hot sauce recipe and how to go about packaging it. I'm also interested in growing a few plants. So I'll probably do a lot of lurking as there is much good material here to review and I'll chime in frequently because I can't help myself.

Lastly, I'm here because I heard you needed a new wiseguy. ;P

Cheers guys and happy chile-ing!

Welcome - and glad to see another wiseguy join up! We're looking for newbies to join the September throwdown - a friendly, informal cookoff between chili lovers. Sounds like you would fit right in! We've got an ultra-informal competition going for September - newbies vs. oldies (they prefer the term "veterans", but whatever!) Anyone who has never joined a throwdown gets to side with the newbies - we'd love to see you get your game on! Go to the Throwdown Discussion forum, then choose the Throwdown Sticky thread - let's see just what a wiseguy you really are! (Okay, I am personally going for the pre-throwdown smack crown - you've got a ways to go to beat me at that - good luck!)