New gardener that loves growing peppers

Hey guys and gals. This season is my first season ever having a garden... It's helped me find peace after some bad things happened with the loss of our first child.

I have several pepper plants going... I'm still new at this but I'm sure I can learn a lot from this site. I bought very small plants that have really grown over the past month or so. I also have some bell and jalepeno's started from sprouts.

Here is my jalepeno plant. It's really been taking off in the past few days.


Habanero plant... I'm not sure which one exactly (as with all of my peppers) but it was in pretty bad shape when I got it. It's growing really well now! I might pinch off the first set of buds.


This is my favorite plant so far... Cayenne. It has one large pepper on it that I've been debating picking very soon... still researching to find out of I should. It too had a problem with flea beattles but has recovered very well.



That's all for now! I have more photo's of the rest of my plants here: I couldn't post more than 4 images on this post.
Thanks! I don't plan on putting many peppers in the ground yet... the 5 gallon buckets seem to work great plus I can move them around if needed. Compared to what little I've seen on this site I am at the very first stages of my journey lol
Welcome from Lake Constance Germany!

I'm a dad myself and I don't even dare to imagine the feelings losing a child. The Lord be with you.
Welcome from Fort you will see (If you haven't already), there are a lot of container gardeners on this site...

enjoy your stay..
Welcome from Pittsburgh!
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my Dad too soon and can definitely relate to the therapeutic value of spending all day up to your elbows in soil.
Welcome from Minnesota! Containers are a perfect way to grow!;) I hope you find peace in your loss. Gardening will help. There are some great people here to help!:cool:
Thanks for the kind words! This site looks awesome... everyone is so helpful!

I have a pretty good "normal" garden going... corn, squash, cucumber, tomato etc... peppers are the most fun out of the bunch. It's been a learning experience for sure! I also have a nice herb garden growing in my front yard but that's a whole different story.

I woke up this morning to check on everything... I had something strange in my Cayenne pepper plant... I'm honestly not sure what to think (good or bad?)
