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New great- grandaughter

Got a call of a new great-grandaughter yesterday so we went to see her in the hospital,very beautiful little girl. Alicia Rayne is her name.

At 3:00 AM I got one of those calls anyone dreads, baby has problems, they took her to Sioux Falls, SD. A few hours later she is on the way to Rochester, MN (Mayo) for heart surgery, she has congestive heart failure. Her parents are on the way also and now it's a waiting game but she is stable which is a good sign.

Life gives us what it will and we can only take the best with the not so good. She's a fighter and hopefully will be just fine but that's not for me to say.
Wow, first off congratulations Jackie and i hope everything goes alright for your great granddaughter. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Congrats on the new great-grand baby!!!!!! I hope all goes well and she makes a speedy recovery!!!!!!!
mine and the wifes prayers are with you and your family...especially Alicia Rayne...extra special prayers for her Jackie...
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement,it means a lot. Latest update is the two holes in the top of the heart newborns have are what is keeping her alive. Her veins are in the wrong place or going to the wrong sides of the heart, heart is getting the oxygen but it's not getting to the body. Normally these holes close within 24 hours and they were giving her meds to close them but now the surgeon is on vacation so with the new meds the holes stay open and she is stable. As long as this continues she will be maintained for as long as possible and will have open heart surgery to correct the problems when the surgeon returns. In case of emergency he will be called back. Mom and dad are finally getting some rest, mom delivered baby barely 29 hours ago, left the hospital at 15 hours. Family from both sides are at the hospital so they both have plenty of support and she is in good hands.
Hope all is fine! And congrats.
congrats to the whole family on the newborn.
she's in good hands right now, the mayo is one of the best world wide! (reason why world leaders go there) but I do question the part of a baby having holes in the heart as not being an emergency!

Best wishes for her speedy recovery too.
Update on Alicia

She's in stable condition, oxygen levels between 80-90% and mom was going to get to nurse her yesterday. This is good progress. Her surgery will be either Tuesday or Thursday of next week. There is another baby needing same surgery so they have to take turns depending on status I think.

Yes she is definitely in the best hospital she could be in. The outlook is very positive. A hundred years ago she wouldn't have lived this long, medicine has made many improvements and so much is possible now.

Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers!!! They are very much appreciated.
Congrats on the new addition to the family.

Our prayers are with her and the family. She is indeed in one of the best places on this earth. They'll take good care of her.
Need to update: Danika called from Rochester, Alicia is still in surgery, she was nearly finished then developed excessive bleeding they were trying to stop. They hadn't told me about the possible outcomes which were closed chest, open chest due to swelling or on artificial heart and lungs for a while. After they had consulation Danika called back. The bleeding is under control, they are going to close the chest as her blood pressure is better than expected,no signs of swelling,the heart is functioning, everything is good. So after some happy tears being shed it's wonderful news. The best possible situation. Thanks to all of you wonderful friends who listened and sent positive thoughts and prayers.

I'm glad to hear mate...still best wishes for a complete recovery.
Babies are unique in thier resiliance...I was a premmie myself and nearly died several times b4 I was 4.


QuadShotz said:
Babies are unique in thier resiliance...I was a premmie myself and nearly died several times b4 I was 4.

I was born without a secondary immune system, was allergic to my mom's breast milk and everything else (and was subsiquintly put on solid food at 3 weeks), had colitous AND Scarlet Feaver. I turned out just.....well, ok, maybe I'm not the best example to use :lol: