New here

I've tried growing peppers before with little luck. Last year my wife's uncle grew some peppers called Cheese something, according to him,they looked similar to habs, not as hot with really good flavor. Now I want to grow delicious peppers.
You have come to the right place my friend.
All the information about peppers you would ever want to know is contained in the minds of the freaks, i mean members here.

Welcome to the bestest darn forum ever.
Welcome from Fort Worth
Thanks for the welcomes! The pepper was bright yellow,about 2-3 inches long, shaped very similar to a habenero but the heat was only somewhere between a jalepeno and habenero. He called it a cheese pepper or cheese something pepper That's all I can remember. Another pepper from a few years ago was about 5-6 inches long and 1 inch wide, flourecent yellow with a nice burn. Nobody remembers the name of that one. My user name comes from the fact that my dreaming turns into planning then into doing then into finishing then into more dreaming. Right now I'm dreaming/planning huge gardens full of peppers. The wife says I have to keep the really hot plants where the kids can't get them. Kids are 5,3,1 years old and like pretty colors and helping daddy "harvest" so it's probably a good idea.
Hello and Welcome from Virginia!
Welcome to THP dreaming from err... sunny Queensland.

Novacastrian said:
All the information about peppers you would ever want to know is contained in the minds of the freaks, i mean members here.

Nova freaks sounds about right to me. :P
My 2.5 year old daughter bit into a birds-eye last week.... came inside asking for milk and holding her tongue (her older brother knew about the milk thing) - so rest assured that they will learn their lesson quite quickly.
