• Please post pictures and as much information as possible.

New in the forum and need your help to ID this beauty ;)

Hello folks!
I joined the forum since I have been a lurker for very long and it was time ;) but also to reach out and ask for help to ID this hot pepper:
Original post about it over here (although without much extra details):
Any help highly appreciated!
My current guess is that it is either a 7-pot yellow (maybe jonah) or a yellow scotch bonnet.  I gave it a test right after the pictures so I can also describe what I felt, if it helps to ID this beauty!
Was definitely at least twice as hot as a Habanero in my opinion, but being a noob I cannot be sure ;)  As you can see in the pictures it has a lot of placenta and very few seeds (I have counted around 15).  I can relate to people who say that yellows smell like pineapple and citrus (certainly the case with this one).  That said, the smell was very deceiving since after eating <1g, about 2 mm^3 (yes, I was very careful) I still had to lay in bed for half a day ;) But again, I am not a pepperhead like you guys, so who knows.
Edit: just grammar fixes.
Edit 2: I was told to bring up the pictures here directly.  I have to work on my pictures a bit since there are too high resolution (too many MBs).
Thank you for the feedback.
Does it help to look at the foliage as well? I can take pictures to share as well.
Additional observations:
  1. That was the very first pod to ripen.  There are at least 10 more pods (need to count carefully), so this plant is quite productive given the small 5L container.
  2. The younger pods seem to have rougher (bumpy) skin.
  3. This is my first time growing hot peppers.  I don't know if my lack of knowledge could have impacted how the peppers developed in the end.
  4. I bought the plant in Germany at Hornbach (reputable retailer).  It was labeled as a "Dorset Naga", and we can all agree it was mislabeled.  That said, since it is a reputable reseller, my guess is that the plant is likely a cultivar and not a hybrid.  It is always a possibility to have a hybrid, but if you know how germans control processes, I think it is more likely a pure cultivar that was mislabeled only at the store front.
  5. The plant got very wrinkly leaves and was stunted until I added lime.  After that it started growing the pods and the leaves became normal.  I think it is a very calcium hungry plant, but again I am not experienced to tell with certainty.
Is there anything else I could add to help with the identification?
Again, thank you for your help!
Post a picture of the plant. Closeup pictures of the calyx and flowers and etc. is probably less likely to help in this case, but a good look at the overall plant and the leaves might.  If you have a picture of the plant when the leaves were wrinkly or when it was younger maybe post that too.  You may only be able to narrow this down so far.
CaneDog said:
Post a picture of the plant. Closeup pictures of the calyx and flowers and etc. is probably less likely to help in this case, but a good look at the overall plant and the leaves might.  If you have a picture of the plant when the leaves were wrinkly or when it was younger maybe post that too.  You may only be able to narrow this down so far.
Hi again CaneDog,
thank you for the suggestion and willingness to help me ID this pepper.
I took some pictures and attached them.  I have had some pests this year so most of the larger peppers are wrapped in a little bag.  I will take better pictures of them when they ripe.  They seem similar to the original one I posted earlier.  I will reattach the pictures of the earlier pod directly here via my next post so folks don't need to go to an external site.
You can see a small green developing pepper in some of the pictures.
There is a purple tinge in the forks.  This may not be clear from the pictures.
Edit: spelling...


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Hi guys,
really appreciate your input.
I am still torn about the ID.  Leaning towards calling it a 7-pot but have no way to verify.
Can a 7-pot yellow or scotch bonnet owner mention if the foliage makes sense?
Several pods are now ripening yellow again.  I will follow up with pictures and their weight in a few days tops :)
Edit: reattached the first pod's pictures. 
Some further comments: I notice that the pods have a certain roughness and seem spicier than my red habaneros.  The scotch bonnets I have seen in pictures are very smooth and glossy like a habanero.  This are a bit rougher.  Is that how 7-pots are or is this maybe an unstable hybrid in the end?
Edit 2: removed a blurry pic...


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copper said:
...I bought the plant in Germany at Hornbach (reputable retailer).
Have you contacted them? They should know what they're selling.
And my vote is a Scotch Bonnet, perhaps with mixed heritage.
DownRiver said:
Have you contacted them? They should know what they're selling.
And my vote is a Scotch Bonnet, perhaps with mixed heritage.
I did talk to some people there and the product is done for them from farmers from outer state.  I can try again next time I am there (maybe get lucky with someone who knows more).  
I am leaning to it being some sort of 7-pot yellow, due to the following:
  1. Rough skin instead of glossy.
  2. Seems hotter than store-bought habaneros, although I am not very experienced at judging heat and heat can vary a lot.
  3. I don't see the "bonnet" shape in any of the pods.  I have seen videos in youtube where they claim the specimen is a 7-pot yellow and the shape is very similar.
That said I am still not sure since I have never actually seen either pepper in real life.  The last bit of information I can provide later is the weight of each pepper once I harvest the next batch.  There are several peppers ripening simultaneously now.  I think in about a week's time I should have plenty of new pod pictures and their weight.  
All in all I really love the plant and I am glad I have it.  Very cute plant and cute peppers.  I feel tempted to just grab one and bite it, but then remember how hot it is.  It is also surprisingly much more productive than the habanero and jalapenos I have.
The_NorthEast_ChileMan said:
Curious about this, Click here for flower pix... I know  C. baccatum and C. pubescens are distinctive but I don't know the differences about the others.
Please find the flower pics attached.  
Could it be this pepper? The size is very close and the texture of the skin and insides.  The second pepper he picks looks very similar.  


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OK, it's 5:00 somewhere, so time for a little Scotch & 7.
First, the scotch-
Scotch bonnet foliage - from small jamaican long (left) and papa dreadie (right) on my back porch.
20190924 Scotch.jpg

now some 7...
7 Pot Yellow foliage from my bonchi 7 pot yellow
20190924 7PotYellow.jpg

scotch (left) and 7 (right)
20190924 Scotch&7.jpg

Scotch (left) and 7 (right) sliced.
20190924 Scotch&7Cut.jpg

The potential variation among plants of a given variety and in the same variety plant and pods based on environment combined with the potential for these particular Chinense varieties to look very similar makes it unlikely you can determine anything to a certainty at this time.  As more pods form, often they'll take on a more typical appearance for the strain.  The papa dreadie pod on the left looks nothing like the later pods developing with a more typical PD shape.
The best way to determine is to to have someone familiar with the varieties smell/taste them - I can tell the difference between the two by smell alone. But sometimes pods, especially early pods, won't have the full level of characteristic heat. Absent knowing the taste/etc., waiting for later pods to see if they take on more of a "bonnet" shape could help.  Another thing is scotch bonnet plants often have a particular look to them when they're young, large wrinkly leaves that appear as though they're melting down.
That's pretty much all I got!
Hi CaneDog,
thank you for your detailed post and pictures.
After looking at the foliage and how the peppers look from above, I suspect I have a 7-pot yellow after all.  Now the issue I have is that my peppers are not smooth and glossy like yours.  The general shape is similar to both your bonnets and 7-pots, but my color is really yellow (whereas I see more orange in your case) and slightly bumpy/rough texture. 
Can you measure with a caliper or ruler so that I get an idea about the size?  Is the size important?  I suspect the size is larger than your 7-pot.  I will follow up soon with a batch of 11 pods that are almost ripe, and can post the weight and the measures.
Would be great if someone has a list of close relatives to the 7-pot, since I may have a hybrid or yellow variant.
edit: I have still not ruled out that it is a Scotch Bonnet, but at least the first pod was damn hot.
The pod came off a bonchi so yes, the pod is quite small.  One point I wanted to make was that pods are to an extent creatures of their environment.  The same plant can produce big or small, bumpy or smooth, yellow or orange at different times under different conditions (not all colors will do this though, e.g., a red wouldn't express yellow).  Foliage will also look different to a degree under different conditions. Then add to that the potential for heterozygosity. There's no way you can ever be 100% sure what you have (short of genetic analysis). You can just watch how things develop to see what it ends up looking, tasting, etc. like most. Hopefully later pods will offer you even better indication. The 7 pot pod above is small, smooth, and orange. I selected it to demonstrate the point of how the two can look essentially identical.  The more recent pods are larger and more yellow. They also may end up getting bumpier later or under other conditions.
Hope you're enjoying the peppers!
Hi again CaneDog and everybody,
I had the big haul today.  Took some pictures but still don't have them on the PC to upload.
The peppers went into my fermentation crock to make a hot sauce.  That may prove to be a big mistake, since the first pot was already inside and I tasted a droplet of the brine: it was extremely hot already in a 3L croc!
I recall the first pod had a great aroma, but this time, after chopping 11 of them the kitchen was filled with an amazing smell.  It is hard to describe, but something like a mix of mango and pineapple.  
The plant is very productive.  I have it in a 5L grow bag (cloth) and it produced these first 12 pods, and I counted 10 more already at nearly full size.  They do take a very long time to ripen to yellow (about 3 months).  They ripen from very deep green directly to light yellow with an orange tinge.  
The shape, size, texture, weight, number of seeds, and amount of placenta inside is very consistent.  I will be adding pictures later when I find the time.
All in all the peppers have an amazing aroma and taste, and pack a damn punch!  So I am very happy!
Unfortunately, I am starting to think it is not a scotch bonnet or a 7-pot.  I am more confused now.
The is a shop that has a picture of an identical specimen, and they claim it is indeed a 7-pot.  Here is the store link in case you are wondering (pic attached):


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