New Life

And they're off!!!



This is seven days after planting the seeds. These are Naga Morich, seeds came from The Chill Pepper Company. This batch made it through the mail I'm happy to say.
congratulations Patrick...beware, these will hurt you when the get me...
Good job Patrick, but they still look like you are using a giant snake's skin to germinate them in!

BTW, if you resize the images to about 600-700 pixels wide, they will load a lot quicker. The images are well over 1/2 meg each.

AJ, I am a bit concerned about my well being when the times comes to sample one of these. Hope I've got the cajones when the time comes.

IGG, yep good call. I'll try again, practice makes perfect.

wordwiz, you're killing me with the snake thing, almost got me thinking it too!:)

Sorry about the pic size. I went back and knocked them down to about 700 pixels in width. Hope that loads quicker for you.
patrick said:
My pleasure Mike. Yell at me if I do it again.

You know, when I got my raise last fall, I treated myself to DSL. It's nice not to be the one complaining about large picture files.
wordwiz said:

I've had DSL for a few years, but some people don't.


A few months ago I was one of those people. I understand about slower speeds and how annoying it is to wait for the pages to load even without pictures.
I hope nobody minds if I keep a running log here of how things are growing for me.

Anyway day nine and I popped the top off my Jiffy hot house this a.m. and found some new growth. One Chocolate Habanero Long, a Chocolate Fatalii, these I'm really looking forward to, another Naga Morich for a total of four and saving the best for last two Bhut Jolokia plants have broken the surface. Had to do a little dance. Nine days after planting the seeds we have Bhut.
keeping a running log is cool patrick...I am doing the same thing on my "first hook" thread...

looks like you are off and running for a good year...good luck to you...