new member to the chili world

hey guys and gals hows it growing haha from ontario canada and just got bit by the fire bug and caught a fever im trying to grow some chili from seeds but having a hard time getting them to germinate and grow i ordered some chocolate habanero seeds off ebay dont know if it was a good idea or not but it was only 3 bux and really any information you awesome fellas can give me would be really wicked thanks allot and hope to get to know some of you form the chili world byr for now
Welcome from another Ontarian. My advice is stay away from E-bay for seeds. How are you germinating your seeds?
the seeds were from a spice container i got a few seeds to crack and grow a little tail but after i put them in soil they just dont wanna pop up
Maybe you're planting them too deep, and why put the bag near the windowsill. You'd be better on a water heater or on top of the fridge where the heat is more consistent.
BTW, I'm in Lanark county SW of Ottawa
ok cool man ill give that a go and for my little planter stater cup things how far down in the soil would be good like to the end of a fingernail be a good lenght??
when i get those chocolate habs in the mail ill put all my love in those little fellas just hope i get more luck with those then those spice rack ones ill let ya know how it goes
snydro said:
hey guys and gals hows it growing haha from ontario canada and just got bit by the fire bug and caught a fever im trying to grow some chili from seeds but having a hard time getting them to germinate and grow i ordered some chocolate habanero seeds off ebay dont know if it was a good idea or not but it was only 3 bux and really any information you awesome fellas can give me would be really wicked thanks allot and hope to get to know some of you form the chili world byr for now

Welcome to the board....and to the world of heat...don't worry...we don't bite..:hell:

Welcome from TN
Hi Syndro, and welcome to THP, from Missouri! I agree with pepper ridge, the Chocolate Habs are wicked good!:onfire: Good luck with the seed,just make shure they have Heat, Water and Light, and you will have them up and growing in no time.

Talk to ya' later
Welcome from Fort Worth...plenty of information on growing on the "growing hot peppers" sub forum.