New Super Hot Pepper WInner!!!

You know...I see three things here. One, their reputation is good. They are an Ebay best seller. Two, they are charging way to much money for one ounce of this powder. Three, the person who supposedly sent it in for testing DOESN'T want to be recognized by the giuness book of world records for the hottest pepper in the world??? Why would you get them tested in the first place and two, sell them to someone who is going to blast it all over Ebay. oh....actually there's a fourth thing. They say they have the documentation that proves it. Whether it be true or not true. I'm sure their are people out there that grow peppers as hot as this and don't even know it. What's 1,400,000 SHU vs 1,600,000 SHU anyway. They are both going to blow your brains out. So I am perfectly content getting my peppers from trusted THP sources and I am sure they will be hot enough for me. Eventually I will have my own peppers growing and sauces being made. This matter is so unimportant to me I don't even know why I am posting about it.....hehe but I am and have faith that all of my fellow chili heads feel quite the same. ENJOY YOUR 60 DOLLAR OZ. SUCKA'S!! Now if that was green and sticky it would be a great price
I found a really hot one myself. I think it was called a butch T, but you know I think a different name would be better. No wait, what if I say it is a hybrid Jalepeno which is hotter then a Butch T. The kicker is that due to being :drunk: while grinding them to powder I forgot to take a picture of one or save one to get a picture of. So anyway, here is this powder. At $60 if I get 2 people to buy, minus the cheapest mailing option, I am going to be up at least $110. If I was a dishonest ебам I could see the thought since you only have to have a convincing format to paste into EvilBay. That being said I need to powder my left pinky that is practically pickled in capsaisin and sell that powder for $2000.[sup]00[/sup] per [sup]1[/sup]/[sub]2[/sub] ounce.

:drunk: and signing off this thread :beer:
Another example of someone trying to profit from a subject that people will buy into very quickly, he just makes it way to obvious.

It seems that when they start talking numbers they're trying to prove their man hood or how big they are!! I think that most people here know how hot the Bhut Jolokia peppers are from their own experience.
I was JUST about to post a topic about this until I saw this thread, lol.

Here's an interesting article:

To be honest, I think the Trinidad Scorpion is bound to make a comeback. I feel that the "world's hottest" title will go around faster than UFC's heavyweight belt does. The contenders will forever be a Ghost Pepper, Trinidad Scorpion, 7-Pod, or a hybrid of these.

Can't wait 'till peppers reach 2million, LOL.
I am sure it will reach 2 million once the scientists start messing with the Scorpion. It has reached 1.4 or 1.5mil all by itself without any genetic engineering.
Well, they are not completely stretching the truth... It does take about apound of fresh peppers to make about this much powder.... My Habaneros grind 96 peppers for an ounce.
Holy crap... that's a lot of money for some dried chiles. I might have to start selling mine on eBay. :rofl: