Harry_Dangler said:
28 hours left on Item #9.  Mixed SFRB of superhots.  No bids so far.
These are from my garden and will be some of the last of the season.
These will be labeled.
This SFRB will be a nice selection of BBG7, Naga, Moruga, Bismarck, Carbonero, Pockmark Orange, Amnesia, Defko, 7 Pots, Borg 9s, Star Scream, Bhut Solid Gold and others. I also have some very nice Ajis if the winner bidder would like some of these.      
Bid up for GIP!
I recently got some of these and they were absolutely fantastic! This is a great package that has been put together. If I hadn't already stocked up I would have jumped on this early.
Alright I should be set. Please let me know if there are any issues with the transaction.

I unfortunately didn’t get the chance to interact with GIP much but his lasting impact on the community is extremely evident. I hope I will get the opportunity to learn a bit more about the man through the legacy he left here and the people he called friends. Thank you all for letting me be a part of honoring his memory and aiding his family. Please extend my condolences should the opportunity present itself.
Edaxflamma said:
Alright I should be set. Please let me know if there are any issues with the transaction.

I unfortunately didn’t get the chance to interact with GIP much but his lasting impact on the community is extremely evident. I hope I will get the opportunity to learn a bit more about the man through the legacy he left here and the people he called friends. Thank you all for letting me be a part of honoring his memory and aiding his family. Please extend my condolences should the opportunity present itself.
Your pods will go out today.
I want to express my gratitude to all that contributed for this great cause  :clap:.  Together we raised a grand total of AU$2,486.81 or US$1769.34 which is a fantastic result for Nicci. I will be contacting her at some stage over the weekend to arrange the transfer of the funds. 
It's times like these that the value of friendship and family spirit truly shine. It is devastating to have lost one of our family members, but I'm sure GIP/Andrew would be very appreciative of what we have accomplished here for his wife Nicci. 
I personally want to thank everyone for their help, condolences, and of course all of the contributions to the fundraiser.
So from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!
And as always, you guys and gals  :metal:
The Hot Pepper said:
Crazy Monkey, some fresh peppers are on the way. A little bonus for your generosity. Thank you!
Y'all are very welcome.
And thank you for this community. It has been a wealth of knowledge and real world experiences for me to draw upon for my own endeavors. 
:cheers:  :cheers: 


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