Crazy Monkey said:I'll jump start this one. $50
So you ARE Crazy!!! Crazy Kind!
Crazy Monkey said:I'll jump start this one. $50
keybrdkid said:
Sorry I dont know much about bidding on SFRB or MFRB. Fill free to offer a minimum suggested price and I may adjust my bid accordingly. I went with what I saw on the forum ads as a gauge for a suggested bid price.
The Hot Pepper said:
Your bid is appreciated and nothing wrong with it! I started my auction at $1.Walchit is just adding some humor not making fun of your actual bid amount.
The Hot Pepper said:Plus, it's an auction.![]()
Walchit said:Sorry, after I posted it I started to worry that it would be taken wrong. I didnt mean that at all. Id say as long as it is over the 8 bucks for shipping then it is a wonderful bid to help out. But even at 1 dollar I will still ship the pods. Sorry again for my not so funny joke, and thank you very much for the bid, it is greatly appreciated. My bhuthead sense of humor doesnt translate well to text sometimes.
Walchit said:If you want too, but definitely not required. I feel really bad now
If you win I will send out a Christmas card with some smoked powder/flake to make up for my auction bullying!keybrdkid said:its not really a problem. Paypal works either way. Its just 30 seconds more of analysis on my end.. If i hadn't bid on bhuters items also, I probably would have spent the money anyway on rare plants. Which i daresay I have too many of.
keybrdkid said:
How about I raise my official bid to $25.00 USD, with the knowledge that I'm also paying a 4-5 dollar conversion fee to send the money to Shorerider in AUD. Which would make my actually incurred cost roughly $30.00 USD.
Tybo said:
Is this correct? A 4 or 5 dollar conversion fee has to be paid to send the money to Australia?
stettoman said:
Mine was over $11, and worth every penny AFAIC. If I was buying something I might make a noise, but this is to help the family of a friend lost.
OK, now I added my $0.02 as well....![]()
Tybo said:
Is this correct? A 4 or 5 dollar conversion fee has to be paid to send the money to Australia?
Walchit said:We will go ahead and let this auction run until noon Sunday if thats ok with everyone. I do have a few kinds of smoked powder and some seeds to add, but here are the sauces for now.
Box #3
I didnt go to kc so here is some stuff available to me in Topeka. I think the mustard says its from Ohio, but the other 3 are from Wichita and Kansas City.
Also included will be the 2018 vintage Bhuthead Andy`s sauce. I used a cheap ph meter when I made these, so definitely consume at your own risk. If nothing else maybe I will become a famous hot sauve producer one day and you can have some of the first bottles ever made! (there is some more of that humor that might not come through in text)
I don't have labels for the ol' yeller, or the Ekwensu Ocha(White Devil) because I'm lazy and the laptop with Photoshop doesnt work that great anymore. I saved 2-3 bottles out of all of these batches when I made them, and figured GIP was worthy of raiding my stash.
This thread is the epitome of PPATB, and I dont have a ton of spare cash to throw around at the moment, so I figured I would do my best to help out. Thank you to everyone involved.
Minimum bid $1 on this one too I suppose, and I will cover shipping as well.
Crazy Monkey said:
keybrdkid said:
let me rephrase. It is apparently a sliding scale based on the amount you send according to what Stettoman's cost implied. So in my case, I paid 4-5 to send 100$ USD and convert it to AUD. In the case of the SRFB I just bid on, that likely means I will pay less than that for that transaction. Sorry if I misspoke.