New to the site, currently in afghanistan

Hi there everyone. I am new to the site. I am currently deployed to afghanistan but I make my own hot sauce when I am back in the states. My hot sauce is named 99Z or 99Zulu. Its a joke among jobs in the army known as a combat ninja. The hot sauce I make is fairly simple, has a lot of flavor as well as some kick. I love making it and selling to friends and those that are around me. I am hoping that when I get back I can produce more bottles and sell at farmers markets and what not. I hope to learn alot from you guys on everything. I definitely want to learn the process required for getting the ingredients/Daily Value information put on my label. Any advice that you guys have for me is greatly appreciated. My name is Josh by the way.
Josh thanks for the work overseas ... ¡Hola! and welcome from south FL
Welcome to the best place for hot peppers anywhere.

My Brother lives in Kabul, working for a Dutch company that supply all sorts of foods to the US Army and others. He was career British Army and served in Iraq and Afganistan as a WOII. He retired after 22 years, then got a job in Kabul 5-6 years ago. Go figure!!!
Hey Josh, welcome brother! Thanks for your service and about the info. If you check the business section of this forum, there are threads relating to what you want to know but it varies state to state and town to town.

Best thing to do is contact your state or local health department and they will steer you in the right direction.