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fermenting Newb to Fermenting-Jalapenos

I've never fermented peppers to make a hot sauce and I was looking for some help. Does anyone know a good recipe for a jalapeño hotsauce? Do I need yeast or anything?
Fireeater86 said:
I am a newb myself. I have had 1 succesful ferment and another one in progess. What is confusing about it? maybe I can help you out.
I'm not sure if I should use a live culture or salt let alone where to find live culture...
[SIZE=medium]In most cases you shouldn’t have to use a live culture or a starter culture. Everything you need should be naturally on your peppers. If the peppers are store bought they may be irradiated and so you would want to use a starter culture. Help me out guys?  I myself used kefir that I picked up from a home brew shop. You definitely want to use salt. This is what keeps the nasties at bay while the lactobacillus gets going.  How much salt that is debatable. I chose to be safe and use the USDA recommendation for making sauerkraut. Off the top of my head I think it is 3 table spoons of canning salt per 5 lbs of vegetables but I would have to double check. [/SIZE]
Fireeater86 said:
In most cases you shouldn’t have to use a live culture or a starter culture. Everything you need should be naturally on your peppers. If the peppers are store bought they may be irradiated and so you would want to use a starter culture. Help me out guys?  I myself used kefir that I picked up from a home brew shop. You definitely want to use salt. This is what keeps the nasties at bay while the lactobacillus gets going.  How much salt that is debatable. I chose to be safe and use the USDA recommendation for making sauerkraut. Off the top of my head I think it is 3 table spoons of canning salt per 5 lbs of vegetables but I would have to double check.
Ok cool. As for the lid I heard you have just leave it on a little loose. How loose should it be?
I use store peppers all the time. You will be good. Make sure to use purified or distilled water. Or let your tap water sit out overnight.

No need to use a started. I use a tablespoon of salt for a quart sized mason jar and have activity the next day.

The bacteria feeds off of the sugars.

Make sure to keep the product submerged under the brine so as not to develop khams.

Go re read the pinned posts. All of your questions should be answered there.I had to do it a couple different times because I am the sort of person who skims instead of slowly reads.

Good luck and post some pics!!!!!