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Next to My Chair - A Winter One

I prefer to post from the titular chair when I can. So, here I am, having found the gall to start another glog. There are still another couple few months to go before I get to eat my rookie cap, but my experience has been rich - mostly, I think, from taking my first grow way too seriously. And I've suffered for it. And I've grown for the suffering. This plant will not be suffered over, lol.
I'll be growing one plant over the winter next to my chair here in my little library. Pictured below, then, is a tiny death race. The first to slough his seed case and spread his cotys green and true will live on in glorious victory. The losers will be ceremoniously thanked and unceremoniously discarded. One plant.

Any and all comments or criticisms are very welcome and I thank you all most warmly for having me and schooling me and reading my noodlings!
PaulG said:
The Dune series is one of my favorites of all time.
I have read every one, including all the prequels
and sequels. It's awesome to read them in the
chronological order of their history rather than
publishing date. A master work from first to last
The Foundation series by Asimov is another one,
same thing there. The chronological order makes
for an awesome read!
Lovecraft is outrageous, too. I need to read some
of those again.
I can't get into the stuff Brian put out. Maybe I'm a snob (okay, definitely) but it feels like fan fiction. 
I couldn't really do Foundation, either. Dragged myself through it. The characters were totally empty for me. I did enjoy The Gods Themselves, though. 
I guess I'm mostly a space opera guy, though I do like some serious stuff. Been into Ursula K. Le Guin and Mary Doria Russell lately.
Darwi Odrade gets me seriously hot, lol.
PaulG said:
Jason Momoa will make a good Duncan Idaho!
I've been thinking about this a lot since you posted it. I actually found out about Idaho's casting that day.  I'm having a hard time picturing Jason Momoa with the dark curly hair. Also he seems too big.  Aquaman on Arrakis is just goofy, besides. Is that supposed to be funny or something? 
What about Dominic West or Jesse Williams or Tom Welling?  Or even Jude Law if you wanted a big name?  Need somebody who can be furious with Leto and also totally vulnerable to him.
If this version is going to be paced anything like David Lynch's (failure), then he'll be dead in five minutes anyway, but in some ways Duncan is more Dune than Paul. 
Can you tell I'm excited about this movie, lol?
The plant is doing fine, btw.
Given that this new adaptation will be a two-parter, I hope the the first film does well. It would be highly frustrating to have them make just half the novel and never see the second half. I would guess that the break point will be the defeat of House Atreides with the film ending with a big battle and the death of Leto & Duncan Idaho. I may be in the minority but I'm a big fan of David Lynch's Dune - I love the weirdness, the actors are amazing and Sting will always be my Feyd.
I grew up reading Terry Pratchett, Anne McCaffrey, Terry Brooks, Julian May etc. I'm embarrassed to say I've never read Ursula K. Le Guin - can you recommend a good starting point?
Siv said:
...I've never read Ursula K. Le Guin - can you recommend a good starting point?
The cool thing about Le Guin is that a lot of her books ("the Hainish Cycle") nominally share the same universe, but are only so tangentially related that they stand alone very well.  I'll recommend The Left Hand of Darkness.  I enjoyed it very much. 
Ate this pod yesterday, the first I've taken from the plant.  It was immediately, insistently 7 Pot hot with just a hint of tropical citrus flavor - almost like pineapple - but just a hint.  Nice crunch, relatively thick-walled.
CaneDog said:
That's a great looking pod E. Sounds like nothing bad in the taste department, either!   It has a very symmetrical and tapering shape to it.  I wonder if that will hold consistent as production get further into cycle.
We'll see.  I can't give him too much longer, though.  He'll have to go to make room for my 2020 starts.


Spreading out. 

I mean to start seeds germinating next week.  Die Tage von Herrn Dreizehn sind gezählt.  I'll be sure to get some nice final pictures before I thank him. This plant is bigger than a cayenne I had growing all season in a 5G fabric pot last year.  Not bad for a half-gallon jar! 