• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Next to My Chair Revival



Got all but one planted up to dirt today. I was lazy and didn't go for more media, just used what I had on hand.  Last year my soil mix was pine mulch-based and I failed to amend it properly as it turned out.  This year I've got good old MG potting mix with some coco, compost, perlite, and organic pellets.  Not everybody got a five-gallon bag this year due to the short supply of dirt, but I always end up with too many pods, anyway.
I've forgotten what everybody is and didn't mark them because it didn't really seem to matter, but there's Bahamian Goat, TFM, Devil's Brain, Dragon's Breath, Zapotec, 7PBSY.. maybe something else..  The Devil's Brain and TFM are winter plants I grew next to my chair.  

I've made some changes in my reading room. The space next to my chair is now empty.  I got tired of the super bright light and I've got other things going on now, anyway.  I'll still start my seedlings there in the spring same as always, but I won't be growing chili peppers year round anymore.  SO much has changed for me since I started growing a few years ago.  I read back my early posts and feel like a different man altogether.  I won't go into it, but suffice it to say that today I know happiness for literally the first time in my life.  I like it.  Folks don't know what they have.  I turned 40 last year; can't say I've cared for that.  But the first half of my life was difficult and my rebirth's coming at such a round, milestonish age has carried meaning for me.  The second half of my life is going to be fucking fantastic and has been so far. Though I find myself making less time for gardening, it's been for all the right reasons.  
I empathize on the Schlepping.  That's a hassle I just didn't want to deal with this season.  Except for the chinense and wiri wiri, pretty much everything's been outside 24/7 for the past 4 weeks.  They probably grew a little slower for lack of warmth and consistent good light, but they seem well-adjusted now and are starting to take off.
Are you starting to see your transplants take off now that they've had some time to settle in?
CaneDog said:
Are you starting to see your transplants take off now that they've had some time to settle in?
A couple are, but most are looking merely recovered. One's not taking it so well. I've got a backup ready if he doesn't pull through.
I have just finally accepted schlepping is the name
of the game in our climate here! I have had the
plants out for the past week in the unseasonably
warm weather, now back to cloudy and cooler
for a while. A couple of 40˚F nights in the forecast.
I hope the plants are  hardened off for those temps.
Keep up the good work, Unc!
PaulG said:
I have just finally accepted schlepping is the name
of the game in our climate here! I have had the
plants out for the past week in the unseasonably
warm weather, now back to cloudy and cooler
for a while. A couple of 40˚F nights in the forecast.
I hope the plants are  hardened off for those temps.
Keep up the good work, Unc!
Thanks, Paul!  I'm finally outside for good now, barring any really freaky weather.
Having my worst year yet. Not a big deal. We've got a whole new Eccoli here, folks. Seems he's not quite as good at growing chili peppers. No worries. The only thing that sucks is it looks like I won't have any yellow bonnets this year. 
That's a bummer.  It happens though.  How are your baha goats doing - can you ID them yet from the crowd?  I pretty much count those as yellow bonnets.
Also, I was trying to figure out what your "d'uh" was about last post.  Mini pods?  Is that your TFM?
CaneDog said:
That's a bummer.  It happens though.  How are your baha goats doing - can you ID them yet from the crowd?  I pretty much count those as yellow bonnets.
Also, I was trying to figure out what your "d'uh" was about last post.  Mini pods?  Is that your TFM?
Nope, only one I can identify is the Zapotec, as it's the only annuum this year.  I've got four chinenses finally recovered from transplant and taking off and three that may or may not make it yet. Zapotec is trying, but hasn't bounced back like the four chinenses.
Yeah, seems I've dwarfed the TFM. Both he and the Devil's Brain had a hard time of it over the winter; it was *really* dry next to my chair this year. Devil's Brain is doing great, but looks like the poor TFM will only ever sing soprano. 
Just took a quick look and everybody's settled and growing now. Only a month behind, lol.  I usually get my third flush pretty late in the year, so I imagine I'll still have plenty of everything (except yellow bonnets - looks like will be subbing B.Goats this year per CaneDog's suggestion). 
I'm still amazed by how hardy and resilient pepper plants can be.  
Happy plants. 

TFM is starting to throw some normish pods. These are about half-size. I mean to pot him up, see if I can't encourage better performance now that he seems inclined to try. 

Devil's Brain

This hose. I guess they've been around a while, but I've only just discovered them. It expands to triple its length with water pressure. Never kinks or takes a set, only a short length to wrap up when you're finished. Love this thing. 
PaulG said:
If that's a 'Sprout' brand nozzle, I have one.
One of the best I've used.
Dunno, it came with the hose, but I like it a lot, too.  I'd always used the simple classic pistol-grip guy with the gate valve on the squeeze lever.  The control being at the thumb is a bit different for me, but I'll get used to it, I'm sure. 