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NFL Season 2011

But what the hell were we doing this past Sunday against San Francisco.


Seattle's special teams had the misfortune of running into a Buzz Saw otherwise known as Ted Ginn Jr. and he ripped them for two TD kick returns in 70 seconds...yikes!!! ;)

Before that happened, that game was going down to the wire in a close one.

100% with you dvg. At this point Al Davis should do what Jerry Jones did after Jimmy Johnson left. Be the coach!!. Sadly he doesn't look like he'll be leaving anytime soon :(
Then there's the Seahawks. Being born and raised here in WA I still root them on. I was even lucky enough to make it to the game against the saints when we caused that earthquake. But what the hell were we doing this past Sunday against San Francisco. A bad game, but I guess it could be worse. We could have lost 41-6. Haha KC. :)
While last year was a decent year for Seattle and crazy beating by lynch on the saints it might not be your year this year especially with the Rams looking good for a young team even though they were beaten by Philly(not a dream team or a champion) and Arizona looked much improved on their offense compared to last year. I think Pete Carroll will not be great or good head coach in the NFL like when he had his other opportunities, but he is better suited as a coordinator or college head coach. I am a USC fan and do hate Pete Carroll for ditching us it was an opportunity to revise his career on a professional level. I wonder what team will purposely try to have the worst season to draft Andrew Luck any guesses.
The mistakes Drew Breeze had may light a fire under his ass. But they are not a team I would bet on.

DVG and socialchilehead, agreed. Special teams lost us that game. And there's no excuse for it. But yeah they don't look like they are going to make it. However, whereas I understand being upset about Carroll's move from USC, I'm not convinced he makes a terrible head coach in the NFL. Lets not forget, he cut a lot of solid players last season and brought up free agents and still made it to the playoffs.
Yea I think I am jumping ahead on whether Pete will make it, but I think that division was different compared to this year where those cuts will make an impact and kind head scratching on this years signing and cuts. For example, cutting Lofa tatupu really caught me by surprise and signing tarvaris jackson(not sure on how long his contract is for) instead of a vet, especially with the QB talent coming out this year. I understand Tarvaris got screwed by Childress by deciding on Farve to take his spot. I think division within itself has gotten better from last year at least, but I understand that it wont matter on that it is based on who comes to play that day. I did put my money on the Cardinals to win that division so hopefully that pans out.
I have a prediction to make....Dallas Cowboys...won't ever win much with Romo at the wheel...he needs to give it up...he makes the stupidest mistakes at the most critical times...he needs to prove me wrong...
I have a prediction to make....Dallas Cowboys...won't ever win much with Romo at the wheel...he needs to give it up...he makes the stupidest mistakes at the most critical times...he needs to prove me wrong...

Tony Romo isn't a rookie or even a sophomore anymore in this league, and though he definitely has talent, he isn't quite in that top tier of elite NFL QB's.

The league has changed in the last few years and is now a quarteback driven league, where it is hard to go deep into the playoffs without a top tier signal caller that call execute the necessary throws and also not turn the ball over.

For me the top tier of QBs includes, Peyton Manning, Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, Tom Brady and Ben Roethlisberger.

All of those QBs have won the big prize in the BIG SHOW. Eli Manning has a ring on his finger too, but the year he won it all, he had an awfully good defensive front and overall squad to help him out. Other than that he is too inconsistent to be considered truly great.

Phillip Rivers also is a great passer, but he hasn't proven he can consistently get his team into the playoffs, let alone win once he gets there.

Can Tony Romo get into that grouping? Possibly, but he's going to have to prove himself worthy by winning and winning in the playoffs when it counts. :cool:

dolphins for life. If Henne manages to do above average this year, we should win a decent amount of games! I mean we have Hartline, Marshall, Bush, and Bess, the only thing we need is Henne to grow up!
dolphins for life. If Henne manages to do above average this year, we should win a decent amount of games! I mean we have Hartline, Marshall, Bush, and Bess, the only thing we need is Henne to grow up!

Henne did shred the Patriot Defence for over 400 yards passing in week one...his career passing high.

Once he gets a bit more experience under his belt, he could be quite a threat for opposing teams. :cool:

just watch my boy Cam for Carolina...he IS going to get yards and TDs...wonder what else the team has for a supporting cast...probably not much since they had first overall pick...
just watch my boy Cam for Carolina...he IS going to get yards and TDs...wonder what else the team has for a supporting cast...probably not much since they had first overall pick...

Cam Newton is a wide body and apparently has the ability to chuck the ball as well...throwing for over 400 yards in his rookie debut is almost unprecedented...especially without a strong supporting cast.

It will be interesting to see how his rookie season and future career unfolds. :cool:

I hope that he does well, I have always been pretty fond of it, the way he runs and throws, he kind of reminds me of a younger, much improved McNabb/McNair
For all of those fantasy players that may have rushed to add Cam Newton as their backup after his first week's stats, they may find that he comes back down to earth with a crash in week two.

Now that there is tape of him at the NFL level, good defensive coordinators will look to exploit his weaknesses and make life very difficult for him.

The good news is he plays at home this weekend...

...the bad news is that he'll be playing a very good Green Bay squad that passes exceptionally well.

Carolina will probably find themselves down in this game, and if Mr. Newton is forced to pass to play catch up, it could turn out to be a very long turn-over filled game for him.

Welcome to the NFL rookie!

But the fact that he is even playing right out of the gate as a rookie, instead of just holding a clipboard while he learns the offence says heaps about his ability and his coaches trust in him.

Henne had a good game Monday even up against a great team like the patriots. But they have to force Brady out of the pocket. He's a pocket passes (very similar to Montana), therefore you need to force him to scramble. He can still hit his receivers, but he's no Farve.

Newton also had a good game, but it was only the first game. He is going to be a great quarterback, but he played Arizona and I'm not convinced they're going to make it past the first round of the playoffs. I'm voting for the 49ers for that division.
Raiders had an 18 point lead going into the second half and they couldn't figure out how to stop the Bills offence like they did in the first half. Giving up 85 yards in penalties, one when they were going 4th and goal on the 8. Costly penalties and not stoping the short passing game in the second half. It made me utterly sick as I continued to look at my phone 21-10, 21-17,21-24. A glimmer of hope as the Raiders got 28-24 lead. Just stop them! I cried out. Of course they didn't. Oh the second half was murder.
Of course the Seahawks didn't even play today. If looked like a hight school football game. Completely one sided with Hawks losing 24-0. Of course it could have been worse, we could have played Detroit and lost by 45 points. What happened there Haley? I wonder whats to come with the SD game though? As much as I want SD to lose just based off division, I would love the smug smile of Brady to disapear. :D
Just saying
Raiders had an 18 point lead going into the second half and they couldn't figure out how to stop the Bills offence like they did in the first half. Giving up 85 yards in penalties, one when they were going 4th and goal on the 8. Costly penalties and not stoping the short passing game in the second half. It made me utterly sick as I continued to look at my phone 21-10, 21-17,21-24. A glimmer of hope as the Raiders got 28-24 lead. Just stop them! I cried out. Of course they didn't. Oh the second half was murder.
Of course the Seahawks didn't even play today. If looked like a hight school football game. Completely one sided with Hawks losing 24-0. Of course it could have been worse, we could have played Detroit and lost by 45 points. What happened there Haley? I wonder whats to come with the SD game though? As much as I want SD to lose just based off division, I would love the smug smile of Brady to disapear. :D
Just saying

I watched the tail end of that game from when it was 21-17. When Campbell threw the long ball to put Oakland up with over 3 minutes left to play, i was wondering if they had left too much time of the clock for the Bills to engineer their own last minute heroics.

Sadly the Raiders found another way to lose and break their fans hearts.

But the Raiders don't just break your heart...they reach right in and rip it out still beating, hurl it to the ground, and grind it with the heel of their boot into broken glass, before kicking it over to the gutter...

...such is the pain of being a Raiders fan in recent years. :welcome: :hell:

Maybe you should pick an up and coming team like...how bout those LIONS!!! :lol: :rofl: :cool:

But at least the Raiders are in contention in their division with San Diego losing today and remaining tied with Oakland, which does seem a whole lot rosier than KC present outlook.

It's still very early in the season yet, so i wouldn't get too excited either way with wins or loses at this point in the schedule.

There will still be injuries, disappointing upsets and surprising wins to deal with with, long before this season reveals who the real contenders will be come playoff time.

In the meantime, just sit back, pour yourself a cool bevvie, and enjoy the game play. :cool:

I watched the tail end of that game from when it was 21-17. When Campbell threw the long ball to put Oakland up with over 3 minutes left to play, i was wondering if they had left too much time of the clock for the Bills to engineer their own last minute heroics.

Sadly the Raiders found another way to lose and break their fans hearts.

But the Raiders don't just break your heart...they reach right in and rip it out still beating, hurl it to the ground, and grind it with the heel of their boot into broken glass, before kicking it over to the gutter...

...such is the pain of being a Raiders fan in recent years. :welcome: :hell:

Maybe you should pick an up and coming team like...how bout those LIONS!!! :lol: :rofl: :cool:


:lol: +1. Good for Detroit! Every team needs 1 year. As for the raiders, can't even blame Davis this time. But my hearts still beating so I guess I'll see what happens against the jets. Lets see if we can pull our heads out of rears in the second half. We're going to need to the way they've been playing these two games.
Ok, after seeing today's massacre, 4 or 5 may be overly optimistic. Go packers!

Yikes!!! :eek: That's it?

They did win their division last year, but expect San Diego to be better, especially if they are finally able to get off to a good start this year.

How long is KC's QB Matt Cassel expected to be out for?
