Nice Fat Manzano Bush

Its a BEAST !

Cayennemist said:
It has STARTED!​
I think these may be my favorite salsa peppers. Sweet, hot, juicy. ​
what kind of pepper is that  ?
Well my HOA finally found out. The lanscaper was forced to remove it on the grounds that someone could eat one and "get hurt." Also i believe that my deer friend may have been fired or transfered. This is a sad day...
     There needs to be a word for something that sucks intensely and is utterly absurd at the same time. Because your HOA is that.  :banghead:
Cayennemist said:
This is a sad day...
Indeed.  :violin:
edit: You're gonna dig it up and keep it, right?
Cayennemist said:
Well my HOA finally found out. The lanscaper was forced to remove it on the grounds that someone could eat one and "get hurt." Also i believe that my deer friend may have been fired or transfered. This is a sad day...
After 5 minutes I'm still trying to comprehend this. Typical of the individuals in HOA boards though.
That bush looked awesome. How exactly did they find out and decide it needs to be removed? There are ornamental peppers after all.
SavinaRed said:
Can you describe there heat and flavor compared to a habanero. thanks !
the sweetest, juiciest ripe bell pepper you can imagine with heat ranging from jalapeno to habanero depending on what part of the pepper you are eating. The burn likes to settle into the sternum area but provides an ample whole mouth burn as well.
HP22BH said:
the sweetest, juiciest ripe bell pepper you can imagine with heat ranging from jalapeno to habanero depending on what part of the pepper you are eating. The burn likes to settle into the sternum area but provides an ample whole mouth burn as well.
I just ordered some seeds as I will be growing them next year.
swellcat said:
Or salvage some seeds so we can help the legendary plant live on through its progeny?  A hundred more rocoto plants would be a fine rebuke of the utter idiocy of The Collective.

I would be proud to grow seeds from that bush.
All I can say is "this is a crime".  If only they knew how rare the peppers are (at least for those of us in the states) 
I hurt hearing about this, so I can only imamgine how you feel.  Glad you have a backup at least.  Good luck with it. 
Maybe you can get it declared as a heritage plant site! lol
I'm actually more bummed that the landscaper is gone. Shaun and I have been friends for over 3 years. I hope it isn't because of the pepper plants.
In my neighborhood there is an mean old lady that walks around picking on people. She has had it for Shaun for a while now and even broke some of his roses. I saw her walk up to his rose bush and snap it over just to be mean. It would not surprise me if she complained to the HOA about the peppers and got him fired.
In 2012, My first year seriously growing peppers, Shaun gave me 40+ pots to help me get going. He was a good friend and I will miss him.
Cayennemist said:
I'm actually more bummed that the landscaper is gone. Shaun and I have been friends for over 3 years. I hope it isn't because of the pepper plants.
In my neighborhood there is an mean old lady that walks around picking on people. She has had it for Shaun for a while now and even broke some of his roses. I saw her walk up to his rose bush and snap it over just to be mean. It would not surprise me if she complained to the HOA about the peppers and got him fired.
In 2012, My first year seriously growing peppers, Shaun gave me 40+ pots to help me get going. He was a good friend and I will miss him.
I'm very sorry about your friend.
Most HOA's are a pain in the a$$ on a good day. 