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Nick M's 2010

Here are some pictures I took today

For my entire growlog you can look here: click


Little elf, Dorset Naga, Schotch Bonnet Red
Naga Morich, Habanero Big Sun, Aussie Black


Prairie Fire, Pequin, Jalapenona
Starburst, Jamaican Red Hot, Pimenta de Cayenna


Numex Twilight, Tinker Bell, Big Jim
Bischops Crown, Banana Sweet, Tepin


Purple Mix, Black Scorpion's Tongue, Beslers Cherry, Bhut Jolokia
Peter pepper yellow, Silfje's Peper, Monkey Face
Red Savina Habanero, Explosive Ember, Birds Eye, Ghana Round
Thanks ! :D

No, if the pots are large enough, ( I usually use 3-4 ltr. pots ) there is plenty of room for 2 plants. That is... if they are both about the same size. If one is smaller then the other, it stays behind and will never grow large.
I actually prefer 2 plants in 1 pot because if you twist them together it looks like you get 1 really large plant with lots and lots of peppers :D
My record is 6 plants of Bolivian Red in a 3 ltr pot, it gave lots of peppers for the entire winter while it was standing in my room in front of an open window !
Unfortunatly Bolivian Red peppers are not very tastefull, so i planted it somewhere in an open field outside my garden where it was stolen :(
I might have a photo ...

Here it is, on the right (left is a Royal Black also 4 in 1)

The day before they both got stolen...
I took off most peppers for the seeds, so if anyone is interested... let me know
Today I bought some new pots the put the plants in, they just needed something bigger :D



Little Elf, Pequin, Black Scorpion's Tongue, Purple mix and Numex Twilight in their new pots



Explosive Ember, Red Savina Habanero, Dorset Naga, Tepin, Naga Morich en Prairie Fire
Foto 1 fltr, foto2 frtl.


The rest of the plants


Tepin, a funny plant worthy of a close-up :P


7-POD, carefully guarded by a spider :D


One of the striped Fish peppers :)

* BTW, Im looking for Trinidad scorpion species to grow next year is there anyone who has these and is willing to trade them for any of the pepper species I have ? :P