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NJA Goes to Hot Pepper Market


I have reached western India and the temps are in the region of 40 C.
I am getting seeds of two varieties unknown sofar in US and other places.
One is Mehsana Lavingiya a thin small hot pepper variety and Gondaliya another hot pepper variety.

I will post some pictures as soon as I get them.

If only I had found markets like that while I was in Thailand. I never thought to ask around. I will be sure to do so if I ever go there again.

In 42 C, I went to a place where I spied Fresh Harvewst of RESHAMPATTI CHILLIES .
Color is awesome.
Have a look.

Sorry. The internet connection is slower than a snail.
Cannot upload photos.
Will try again later.

Ok Just got net going.
Herez RESHAMPATTI snap of a huge mound of chillies.
