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No HEAT from any of my peppers...

Sounds like your plants aren't true or they're mislabelled. I don't think it has much to do with nutrients since I've had hot pods using only staight water in plain soil
Actually with so many that did not produce, you must have been doing something wrong

That's what I was thinking. No pics to ensure they are the correct plants and no confirmation on where the seeds came from. Store bought, a friend that grew them next to his bells ect.

I bought the transplants from a nursery up in the northeast, even though the plants arrived in poorer shape than my order a few years back (leggy, yellowing), I see no reason to put their name in this thread for an issue that is most certainly the gardener.

I believe all the transplants were the correct plants.



Right now it looks like the following could be the problem:

1. Soil drains too fast.

2. Not enough nutrients.

3. Fruit not fully ripened.

4. Overcrowded beds.

Can I eliminate cross pollination between plants during the first growning season?

Some plants were Type 1 Hybrids, others were not.
Don't feed with Miracle-gro - it's got the wrong balance of nutrients for chilis. Try regular tomato feed but at half strength. Also don't overwater - anything. Overwatering takes taste out of fruit/veg and taste/heat out of chilis.
I will check into the tomato feed Badger. This coming Spring I will also have beds dedicated to my pepper plants rather than mixed in with the other vegetables that did well.

I should have taken pictures but I didn't.