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Node madness

Sky...I am glad your foil is working well...like I said in my post right before yours, I use mylar...and the reason I use mylar is what potawie said...hot spots...I remember reading that somewhere and not just on this forum...of course if the hot spots are where the plants aren't, no biggie...please let me know if you have any issues with it...

I won't get into the visible light discussion...lighting was discussed to death last fall and winter..."what light spectrum do chilis grow best under?"..
The hot-spots that foil creates are only a problem under very intense light, like HID or the sun. It happens, but the foil has to focus the light just right, so chances are good you won't experience these problems.

If you feel like trying mylar though, cheapest place to get it is in the camping section of wal-mart or equivalent store. You can get an "emergency survival blanket" for less than $2.00. Granted, it tears easily, but once it is affixed to the inside of your box tears shouldn't happen. I've used both, imo mylar is the way to go, but I wouldn't worry too much if you're happy the way things are.

Skyjerk said:
Regarding your chart, I wouldn't mind knowing the source of that data.
Foil will reflect. It just doesn't reflect as well as mylar or flat white paint. The shadow aspect of it really has nothing to do with the light that's reflected. You can get even more shadow by using a silver backed mirror, but that is the absolute worst reflection of usable plant light that exists.

I've searched for that chart again. The reason I kept it is because I thought I might have a problem finding it again. In searching, however, I did find the same information in about a dozen other sources. Google "material light reflectivity" and such, and I'm sure you'll find other sources as well.

As I said, an email to one of the large light manufacturers should get results. Give them a list like:

Bright flat white paint
Glossy white paint
Flat yellow paint
Household tin foil
Flat Blue paint
Glossy Blue paint

Ask them to arrange them in their reflective order by percentage and IF they answer you, the list should look like this:

Bright flat white paint
Flat yellow paint
Glossy white paint
Tin Foil
Flat Blue paint
Glossy Blue paint

I've spent the last 25 years researching and using hydroponics and indoor gardening. I've run across the information about the reflectivity so many times that I've almost memorized it. Gardening sites and books, Plant lighting books, Light manufacturers, and with no doubt, people who grow marijuana seem to be obsessed with the topic. Every time I do a search on it, at least 20 sites dedicated to that topic are in the results.

Good luck to you in your search. I understand your hesitation to believe anyone about it. In my searches and studies, I've found hundreds of places that had misinformation on them. The light manufacturers are your best source for accurate data. It's how they make their billions of dollars. I have no doubt that what you find from them will be as accurate as what I have found from them in the past.
I understand that maufacturers do a lot of research, but to think they would actually share the truth with us sounds strange. They tell stuff to make themselves look good. Do you know where to get actual lab results or just marketing propaganda?
I'd believe the pot growers results because they are independent and just want to pass it around. ;^`)
ABurningMouth said:
I'd believe the pot growers results because they are independent and just want to pass it around. ;^`)

QFT. No one knows more about growing plants indoors than potheads. And aside from the info about light cycles for vegging/flowering, the majority of the information you find about growing pot can be applied to growing peppers.
Txclosetgrower said:
QFT. No one knows more about growing plants indoors than potheads. And aside from the info about light cycles for vegging/flowering, the majority of the information you find about growing pot can be applied to growing peppers.

It most certainly can,Heres some pictures of my growbox can you see the reflectivity is excellent inside..Looks like metal but actually mylar (sticky backed) and gently applied inside the box,The reflectivity is great,and bought from ebay on a recomendation:)


Remember too that white paint will absorb heat where mylar or foil will reflect it. For optimal results use Lightite Diamond Diffusion Foil. Personally I use white/black poly since it reflect well and is easy to work with and clean
ABurningMouth said:
I understand that manufacturers do a lot of research, but to think they would actually share the truth with us sounds strange. They tell stuff to make themselves look good. Do you know where to get actual lab results or just marketing propaganda?
I'd believe the pot growers results because they are independent and just want to pass it around. ;^`)
The massive amounts of data available on the lighting manufacturers pages is there for the picking. If you think it's propaganda, then I suggest you ignore it all and just do without it. It would probably be best for you.
No im sure the pot growers are like most growers they want better results,Cheaper Lighting etc and the most important thing the best results for less $ :clap:
Another chinense with nodes close together making it seem like many, many fruits from the same node....yellow bird......

I have a Bih Jolokia that is doing silimar oddness.

Side view

Top view

Sorry about the coathanger brace in the way...it's to keep the covering from hitting the plant. :beer:

It went from squat and bushy to bigtime growth upwards while shedding lower leaves. And, the top went nutz. Now, it looks like a small tree. ;)

It's about a foot tall and also about a foot wide on top. Funky.

I have several plants doing similar..seemingly healthy, but dropping lower leaves while the top is exploding. Any clue why?

QuadShotz said:
I have a Bih Jolokia that is doing silimar oddness.

Sorry about the coathanger brace in the way...it's to keep the covering from hitting the plant. :shocked:

It went from squat and bushy to bigtime growth upwards while shedding lower leaves. And, the top went nutz. Now, it looks like a small tree. :cheers:

It's about a foot tall and also about a foot wide on top. Funky.

I have several plants doing similar..seemingly healthy, but dropping lower leaves while the top is exploding. Any clue why?


My guess is that the lower leaves aren't getting enough light. That's a common problem with taller plants under artificial light. Since light follows the inverse square law, the intensity 1 foot from the light is 4 times greater than the intensity 2 feet from the light.


Just a guess though.
QS...I don't know you would mount them but a cheap way is to go to home depot or lowes and get a couple of ceramic light fixtures...they are relatively inexpensive...you can take a 1" X 6" board as long as you need it....drill a hole in it for your wiring to go through and just lay the board across the tops of the plants with the fixtures pointing up...get some small compact florescents (probably the most expensive item), screw them in the sockets and you have "underlighting"....I am going to do this in my grow box this winter...just watch the heat from the lamps...
Yea, that all goes along with the grow box plans I've had..but I've yet to have the funds to do it yet. Simply put, I can't afford indoor growing.

But, I'm giving it a go.

I do know how to garden, I just don't have the means. Unless, I get this house I want....it has all i'd ever want.

Fact is, plants need land, and I have none.

Irony is, in most countries..those who grow crops are the poor. Oh wait...that's us too.

I'd rather grow plants, and know I live WITH nature, than try to live against her.

A hint for ya'll...not all disease is a natural thing. Sadly, if I was in a rural area, and had to work everyday for life and food..I'd live better as long as I did get that food. I havent been to a doctor in decades.

I'll 'prolly live to 80+ in this enviroment, but if I was where I'd like, living as I'd like...I'd easily break 105. Gramma did.

Man, truly does kill Man.

I hear ya brother....

hey Skyjerk....how are the plants doing?
*chalks AJ up as yet another I'd like to share single-malt over a campfire with. :)

Funny, cuz I'd love to pick ye rbrain on science and physics too. ;)

I'm one of those lost 'smart people' who couldnt hack the system. No worrrrrries.

Ha, AJ, ya should seen my recruter when he saw my ASVAB....then his face when he sw me medical. Heh.

I weas literally walking into the office to be sent to boot, packed, strapped, and rdy...when my eye test came back....and 86'd my life.

Oh well, eh? I had been few yrs later, I'd have been sent to Iran instead of Germany.

Most ironic part is, I'm not a US citizen. Yet, I was draftable.

Red Dawn is still a fave movie.... ;P
AlabamaJack said:
I hear ya brother....

hey Skyjerk....how are the plants doing?

The plants are kicking ass, AJ. Thanks for askin.
Lots of flowers on all 4 of them and I have not seen any signs of them dropping their flowers so far. Waiting to see if they set any fruit. I have a fan bouncing them around a good part of the day. Should be enough to pollinate em, I'm hoping.

I was just hoping to get them through the winter without having to cut them way back, but they are actually doing so well now that I'm expecting to put them out in the spring a good bit larger than they were when I brought them inside. I'll have to re-pot them into at least 10 gallon containers.

It would be quite a coup (for me) if I actually get a harvest or two while they are indoors.

I am definitely going to replace the foil I'm using with Mylar as soon as I can, but in the mean time they aren't suffering from the lack.