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Not diggin my starter mix...

Ok, I started my seeds last saturday i put all my veggies in regular miracle grow seed starter mix, but for my peppers i used the miracle grow cactus blend. All my veggies sprouted in about 3 to 4 days. My peppers? A big fat goose egg. It seems like the cactus blend gets too hard on top. I didnt water them until tonight. Was that too late? I have them all in a controlled environment (83-85 degrees). Am I just getting too anxious. Please help.........

Pepper list:
white Habanero
Hungarian Yellow Wax
Thai Hot
Czech Black Chili
Bhut Jolokia
aphiron said:
What is a good rule of thumb for watering? Besides disturbing the cells by poking and prodding?

When it looks dry, that's my rule (but it's my pinkies' rule....the thumb usually has nothing to say about that area....he's a jerk like that sometimes. In fact, now that I think about it, those two digits never really got along from the start. I think it's jealousy on the pinkies' part.)

Also, like it has been said before, peppers natoriously take a long time to germinate...sometimes up to a month :shocked:
Seeds that have gone dry will germinate. Just water and make sure that you keep them moist. They will likely spout fer ya!
Give them a spray with your water bottle once a day if you like just to keep your soil slightly moist. No need to prod anything leave them alone.
I either use basic jiffy pellets or general sandy seed raising mix.....

The jiffy pellets give me a much higher and faster germination rate....But that could also be cause the seeds don't like my seed raising mix as much....:think:
I used jiffy pellets last year. Worked pretty well. Ive just heard different people talking about the cactus blend. It seems too rocky and twiggy to me.
imaguitargod said:
Happy Tree Frog and when they get bitter I use Ocean Floor mixed with sand (70% soil, 30% sand).

If you wouldn't eat their siblings, they wouldn't be bitter.
imaguitargod said:
But...but they are so high in amino acids and I just can't let them have sprouted in vain!

At least take them in another room, and close the door so the survivors can't hear the screams.