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Not pepper pr0n I guess, but I'm happy!

Just a few pics from my first year "from seed".

Hungarian wax and cherry bombs growing nicely, habaneros, carribean hots and pequins flowering. This is really fun.




ABurningMouth said:
Wow-Nice garden.

It's actually our driveway :oops: (well, it used to be). The main garden is in the back. Mind you, it would take a powerful car to drive through there. :P

Chiliac said:
This IS pepper porn! Looks great. Nice 'n' healthy!

Beginner's luck I guess. I had ladybugs for a few years now, from the moment aphids infested my birch tree. So the only real predators were snails, and I fought them manually (meaning, getting up early, especially when it rained, and gently putting them somewhere else).

millworkman said:
Man, every thing looks great.

Thanks! :cool:

Sanj said:
Very Nice. your container grown tomatoes look awesome.

They actually taste good too. My wife already harvested a few kilograms, and made pasta sauce from them. No chemicals (well, water is a chemical too, but you know what I mean) were used, apart from some NPK fertilizer.
Ya, your plants are looking really really good. I thought this was going to be a post with pictures of a half failed garden, boy was I wrong! Congratulations. Thanks for sharing :)
Wide-O Lovely high quality photos to start..always nice to see..as for your plants,Nice and deep healthy green and damn nice to see somebody growing pequins,which iam gonna do myself next year :)
i like the variety you chose, your driveway looks like 60% of my hometown so you're not alone on plants taking over :).

i would personally like to see a picture of your pequin if you don't mind :). i just picked up a zimbabwe birds eye chile at my local farmers market..well not MY local one, but my gf's local one, and i'm simply blown away by it, and i'de love to see yours :).
Pepperfreak said:
Ya, your plants are looking really really good. I thought this was going to be a post with pictures of a half failed garden, boy was I wrong! Congratulations. Thanks for sharing

You are welcome! Well, I thought it would fail myself. I do have some experience with gardening, but this whole "pepper from seeds" thing was totally new to me.

talas said:
Wide-O Lovely high quality photos to start..always nice to see..as for your plants,Nice and deep healthy green and damn nice to see somebody growing pequins,which iam gonna do myself next year

Credit should go to Nikon ;) I use a D80 and resize for 800/600 screens, so it doesn't take up too much bandwith. I use "lazy bum" mode (read: auto) and yes, the colors are really like that. I'm in love with the deep green. No other plants that I know of have that color. (and you can see I'm not cheating in the fourth pic, where there's also a Carribean Hot, which has a much more "yellow" color.

Pequins, yeah, someone on another forum set me up for them.

HotPeppersFlyFishing said:
Great Looking Plants!!


teh purple penguins said:
i like the variety you chose, your driveway looks like 60% of my hometown so you're not alone on plants taking over.

i would personally like to see a picture of your pequin if you don't mind :). i just picked up a zimbabwe birds eye chile at my local farmers market..well not MY local one, but my gf's local one, and i'm simply blown away by it, and i'de love to see yours :).

I'll take a few pics of them in the next few days. Stay tuned!

imaguitargod said:
They look great, nice work.

Ta. As you may know, it takes a bit of work indeed. But the plants are paying that back manifold. :lol:
teh purple penguins said:
i would personally like to see a picture of your pequin if you don't mind.

Well, I've got 10 of the buggers in various shapes & formats, but these are the best:


Biggest one, but no flowers yet.


First mini pequins!


