• If you need help identifying a pepper, disease, or plant issue, please post in Identification.

seeds Note to new members...0 posts=0 seeds.

Totally agree with you Shane, just seems rude to join and BAM, start asking for free seeds. I've been on the receiving end several times and it was because I had something listed in my Seeds Wanted on my profile or posted something in my Glog and they PM'd me to offer not the other way around. This is a great community that way and yes I too had to learn that there are just some threads that it's better for me to stay out of :)
That said, does anyone have.......
Pepperjack91 said:
Yeah seems pretty rude to me. I joined up having no idea people would end up sending me free seeds and even pods. I was so surprised how generous everyone is here. This place is awesome.
I am still pretty new myself being 4 month old, I intitally joined because it seemed like a cool place to hang out with other people that shared common intrests, and to be honest I had questions, lots of questions of how to improve my gardening skills.  I was in the process of building my seed bank from buying seeds from tradewinds seeds, I had only been on here about a week and recieved a PM from another member who happened to be a local and fairly new themselves.  They reached out and offered me seeds and plants at anytime. I took them up on thier offer and also gave them first pickins at any of my seeds.  Since then i have already been able to "pay it back", and will continue to do so at any opprotunity.  I do agree with the OP though, sign up, spend some time to get to know the people here before asking for handouts.  If you did you would notice that members on here are constantly trying to pay it forward with giveaways to noobs, or get onboard a seed train.
ms1476 said:
I have found that the pattern seems to result in a search for the word "free" using the THP Search function. I get PMs from members (whose only posts are asking other members for seeds) that are enquiring about a specific seed variety I offered 8 months ago.

My response has been to make sure that I close my SASE offers when they are no longer available and I begin my SASE offers with a specific timeline of availability (like "offer is open for the next 2 weeks or until seeds are gone"). I don't get the PMs asking about an offer from 8 months ago since I have begun using this approach.
Yeah....I rarely post in the forum ad section and have never posted a free seed give away for that reason. Which is why I posted here in the grow section, because this is where I stay and where they must be finding me. It's not the posts that bother me, its the PMs.
I have received those PMs also, people with 0 posts asking for "extra" or "spare" seeds... Meh. I learned early on... This asshole comes on here with 2 days under her belt whining about how her and her husband, 3 kids, and cousins got evicted and had to leave their pepper and tomato plants behind. Boo fricken hoo. But I bit, sent her about 15 unique varieties, even made really cool labels for each with a nice letter encouraging her to hang in there, blah blah blah. I suspect others sent her a bunch of stuff also. Poof. She was gone. No thank you or nuthin. That was two years ago. It certainly isn't about the $1.45 postage or whatever it was, its just that feeling of getting scammed. No excuse for that behavior whatsoever.

I try to keep my karma in check and love trading with "friends" here or even buying from them. But unless I have seen you posting around the forum, you might as well be the faceless person you are trying to be, and will get zero attention from me.
beerbreath81 said:
I am still pretty new myself being 4 month old, I intitally joined because it seemed like a cool place to hang out with other people that shared common intrests, and to be honest I had questions, lots of questions of how to improve my gardening skills.  I was in the process of building my seed bank from buying seeds from tradewinds seeds, I had only been on here about a week and recieved a PM from another member who happened to be a local and fairly new themselves.  They reached out and offered me seeds and plants at anytime. I took them up on thier offer and also gave them first pickins at any of my seeds.  Since then i have already been able to "pay it back", and will continue to do so at any opprotunity.  I do agree with the OP though, sign up, spend some time to get to know the people here before asking for handouts.  If you did you would notice that members on here are constantly trying to pay it forward with giveaways to noobs, or get onboard a seed train.
The thing is...I never expect anyone to pay it back...more pay it forward if they have success. I got all I need...and much more. I like to give seeds away for guessing games on my glog or to new members that are genuinely exited about being here.  You are already doing so, and put a new and excited member onto what promises to me a memorable season and he's posted up a glog and is now part of the machine...so you're a keeper and doing it right.
Here are some ways to get those free seed offers...comment on glogs admiring their plants. "Wow, that **** is stunning!" type comments. Enough sucking up will get you where you want to go in life and pepper growing.
Scoville DeVille said:
I have received those PMs also, people with 0 posts asking for "extra" or "spare" seeds... Meh. I learned early on... This asshole comes on here with 2 days under her belt whining about how her and her husband, 3 kids, and cousins got evicted and had to leave their pepper and tomato plants behind. Boo fricken hoo. But I bit, sent her about 15 unique varieties, even made really cool labels for each with a nice letter encouraging her to hang in there, blah blah blah. I suspect others sent her a bunch of stuff also. Poof. She was gone. No thank you or nuthin. That was two years ago. It certainly isn't about the $1.45 postage or whatever it was, its just that feeling of getting scammed. No excuse for that behavior whatsoever.

I try to keep my karma in check and love trading with "friends" here or even buying from them. But unless I have seen you posting around the forum, you might as well be the faceless person you are trying to be, and will get zero attention from me.
Same type stories...similar MO...lol. 
Thanks for all the replys folks. I feel better now. 
I agree, I am very new myself but mostly got on this site to get information and to help justify my absurd number of pepper seed purchases to myself, since my wife just thinks I am crazy.

Just by lurking around here I have been constantly impressed about how generous people are here and it is certainly unfortunate that sometimes there are some people that take advantage of that.
I am a new member (posted my welcome last week and started a couple of help threads) and have really enjoyed all of the help and advice that has already been given to me by several of the "older" members of the site.  Like several others have said, i did not join this site for free seeds,  instead i joined for all of the knowledge within this site and to be a part of something where people have similar interests to mine. Having said that, i was offered some free seeds by one of the members and I accepted it and I am very grateful for that.  I am not sure if it is good etiquette to mention the members name, so as of now i won't.  
Pepperjack91 said:
You're not a very good scammer if all you get is a dollar and some change worth of seeds. Lmao. Step ya game up!
     That's what I don't understand, either. How difficult could it be to just go to Pepperlover.com and order a few packs? Especially for a new grower who's probably only going to grow a few varieties anyway. I know for a fact it's easier: good variety, accurate descriptions, great prices, fast (free!) shipping, lots of valuable freebies... It seems like it would a bigger hassle to join THP and start hounding members who may or may not respond favorably. I don't get it.
     It's probably just paranoia, but it almost seems like a stupid game people are playing where free seeds = points. Jalapeño = 1 point, 7-pot yellow = 5 points, Reapers = 10, Pink Tiger = 50.  :think:
edit: If someone doesn't have the ambition or funds to order seeds, how the hell do they plan on GROWING them?!
Sorry guys, every last one of those requests has been from me.
It's taken me years, and hundreds of fake accounts, but I've finally accomplished my goal of catching every variety to become the Peppemon Master.
*walks out humming "You're the Best! Around! Nothing's gonna ever keep you dow-ow-ow-ow-own"*
Everyone has been very kind to me here on THP.  I have boughten seeds from vendors / members on here and I have had many send me some.  The most recent was bondgirl69.  Alot of seeds I acquired by buying pods from members here.
My 1st year I killed off every seedling and if it weren't for Patrick and corene1 I wouldn't have had any as Patrick delivered them to me and corene1 mailed me some healthy ones that were packed with TLC.

Last year sometime there was a new person that wanted some seeds and I figured it was time for me to payback / forward. . Anyhow kind of like the pinned sasbe thread, I was going to give the guy like 40 types of seeds and all I asked was send me a money order for what a sfrb would cost and I would fill the sfrb with the seeds ( I figured it was the safest and easiest way to get the job done )  Never heard from them again.
There are so many people here I need to say thank you to but the list is to big...so just one big Thank you to all.  Dash 2 hit the nail on the head with Judy---she hooks up all her customers beyond belief.    So my advice is to new memebers is usually if you offer to pay many will send sends free and you pay postage.  Well that was my 2 cents worth...lol.  Interesting thread
I need free seeds, now! 
Yeah, all venting aside...shared knowledge is where it's at. I was just thinking about how the time I spend checking this forum (several times daily) has paid off for me. There are worse things I could be obsessing over than growing peppers. I want you folks to know that every time you post photos or growing tips, I'm listening. You have saved me lots of $$$$, as I have never had to purchase one book about growing peppers.

I have accepted SASBEs from some great people here and I will continue to offer them because of that, but only when I can offer them. Thanks for all that you offer beyond just the seeds, please keep it up.
Ok.  Been here about a week, and it is not for the seeds.  Knowledge is key, especially for someone like me who is a first year grower.
Now, I did see someone sending free jerkey, who was that?  Can I please get some....... :lol:
It's unfortunate but this forum has been sinking for a while.
There seems to be alot of people bumming for seeds but I have also noticed alot of arguments/fights etc.
This is a forum to share laughs, knowledge etc, not to become just a slinging match!
You will see alot of the good people don't post on here anymore which is a shame.
Micca302 said:
It's unfortunate but this forum has been sinking for a while.
There seems to be alot of people bumming for seeds but I have also noticed alot of arguments/fights etc.
This is a forum to share laughs, knowledge etc, not to become just a slinging match!
You will see alot of the good people don't post on here anymore which is a shame.
I haven't noticed too much arguing lately. A year or so ago it got pretty bad but then the boss started kicking folks off for trolling and the spots I frequent have been very cordial since. I don't stray too far from the grow section though...so I can't really speak to the other areas too much. 
All in all...this is the best site on the net, and a few bad seeds ain't gonna wreck it. I do believe many of the new members just know no better and that was the intention behind my post. At least introduce yourself in the welcome section!
All that said...I gave in to two recent requests because they seem genuine...and Barley-pop just ensured one member asking will get some seeds from me....he gave some good feedback on one of the members recently requesting. She was already gonna get some because she offered to trade or SASE for them...but now she's gonna get hooked up pretty well. 
As for the troll that hit my PM and referred to this thread..."no seeds for you!"  :rofl:
Micca302 said:
It's unfortunate but this forum has been sinking for a while.
There seems to be alot of people bumming for seeds but I have also noticed alot of arguments/fights etc.
This is a forum to share laughs, knowledge etc, not to become just a slinging match!
You will see alot of the good people don't post on here anymore which is a shame.
I've noticed some veteran posters on here make condescending replies to newer posters pretty often.  This is pretty common on message boards in general but not every person who posts for the first time is a new grower.  I came here to both learn and help others, not get spoken down to or told I'm wrong by people who have been *posting here longer than I have*
That being said, it could have to do with the OT and the general attitude of the forum since it's not growing season in the US, maybe it doesn't...who knows.
The forum fighting etc has calmed down alot, which is good.
just the feeling i get is alot of people who used to post regulary don't seem to now.
Some comments I have seen is that they can't be bothered argueing with some people so they don't bother posting anymore.
It's just a bit of a shame.
I know too that not all new people to the forum are new growers. I suppose different people different attitudes but the way I see it nobody should be condensending to anyone.
We are here to have fun and learn and share our experiences.
I have seen people in the past like a guy called SPIKE who seem to thrive on trying to upset the applecart so to speak.
Sorry STC for going off topic too.