seeds Note to new members...0 posts=0 seeds.

ikeepfish said:
I've noticed some veteran posters on here make condescending replies to newer posters pretty often.  This is pretty common on message boards in general but not every person who posts for the first time is a new grower.  I came here to both learn and help others, not get spoken down to or told I'm wrong by people who have been *posting here longer than I have*
That being said, it could have to do with the OT and the general attitude of the forum since it's not growing season in the US, maybe it doesn't...who knows.
Micca302 said:
The forum fighting etc has calmed down alot, which is good.
just the feeling i get is alot of people who used to post regulary don't seem to now.
Some comments I have seen is that they can't be bothered argueing with some people so they don't bother posting anymore.
It's just a bit of a shame.
I know too that not all new people to the forum are new growers. I suppose different people different attitudes but the way I see it nobody should be condensending to anyone.
We are here to have fun and learn and share our experiences.
I have seen people in the past like a guy called SPIKE who seem to thrive on trying to upset the applecart so to speak.
Sorry STC for going off topic too.
Yeah...I still get the condescending feeling when I stray too far out of my normal comfort zone, but I just chalk that up to it being tough for some to give advice without sounding that way...not that they intend to do so. Well...for the most part anyway. Not a big fan of the "Duh...didn't you search the site first, that question has already been answered!" type responses...but do understand why folks make them. There is a ton of info to surf though and try to digest...and sometimes you just gotta ask again. sweat, take the thread wherever you like...I posted to if that's where you need to vent let it out! :rofl:
Although...since this is in the growing thread...maybe we should talk about growing something! My peppers are doing great how about y'all's?
I'd love to send out seeds to anybody that asks for them, I want to share my hobby with people interested in growing peppers, however I don't think this place is a charity for people looking to save a buck. Those people can go buy from an online store and support the industry. Seed sharing is intended for people genuinely interested in this as a hobby. This community is great and one of the reasons why I love growing. I have had shared with a few people now and they always send more than expected, as do I. It's quite nice really.
Wildchicken said:
I agree, I am very new myself but mostly got on this site to get information and to help justify my absurd number of pepper seed purchases to myself, since my wife just thinks I am crazy.

Just by lurking around here I have been constantly impressed about how generous people are here and it is certainly unfortunate that sometimes there are some people that take advantage of that.
My wife thinks I'm crazy too and I'm pretty sure we are not the only two in that boat on this forum...
The majority seem like a great bunch on here.  That being said I was also hot up for seeds... I just directed them to the local seller.  I've not got a seed bank yet - Figured I need to learn to look after seedlings from the store through my first season before I try a full grow from scratch, maybe next year tho..
Rainman said:
My wife thinks I'm crazy too and I'm pretty sure we are not the only two in that boat on this forum...
The majority seem like a great bunch on here.  That being said I was also hot up for seeds... I just directed them to the local seller.  I've not got a seed bank yet - Figured I need to learn to look after seedlings from the store through my first season before I try a full grow from scratch, maybe next year tho..
Well my wife definitely thinks i am crazy, i tried to tell her i am not the only one, lot of good that did me  ;)
But from my short time on here as a member and the few months i did lurking, the strong majority seem to be here to ask and answer questions and gain/spread information.  I can't speak to how it used to be on here, but still seems good to me.
dash 2 said:
That's what I don't understand, either. How difficult could it be to just go to and order a few packs? Especially for a new grower who's probably only going to grow a few varieties anyway. I know for a fact it's easier: good variety, accurate descriptions, great prices, fast (free!) shipping, lots of valuable freebies... It seems like it would a bigger hassle to join THP and start hounding members who may or may not respond favorably. I don't get it.
     It's probably just paranoia, but it almost seems like a stupid game people are playing where free seeds = points. Jalapeño = 1 point, 7-pot yellow = 5 points, Reapers = 10, Pink Tiger = 50.  :think:
edit: If someone doesn't have the ambition or funds to order seeds, how the hell do they plan on GROWING them?!

After being a member here for alittle bit and making connections,I swore that I would never buy seeds again. Fastforward and I still buy as many seeds as I ever have. Some of that is due to variety,and also seed purity.

Every season I buy a sfrb from Chris. Most boxes in the ads section have deflated prices now that the supply is so high. So I buy a $17 box of pods,I get to taste them all to see if they are worth growing,and I end up with $40-$100 worth of super rare stuff. It baffles me that more people don't take that or old.
My own rule has been 100 posts -  I've been burned before. I love how some one asks for seeds then only want pure, isolated seeds for free. Then they are gone 2 weeks later.
That was the EXACT target of the my post...thanks LD for getting it back on track. I have had a lot of folks with 0 posts pm me for seeds...ummm, sorry don't know you. 
what about a requirement for everyone? Also, there are websites that host free seed giveaways... don't know why they are pulling this...
stc3248 said:
Aight folks, bit of a rant here, so apologies in advance. I have noticed a recent rise in the number of brand new members PMing me and asking for seeds. While the wonderful generosity afforded me by the amazing members here is a large part of why I'm here, I didn't show up to ask anyone for anything. I started off by surfing the site and posting questions and comments and the magic just happened. I will say that at least a couple of the recent PMs have offered to either pay, trade or SASE for them...and I have responded favorably to those. 
0 posts = zero seeds at least read the site rules and go introduce yourself in the welcome section!!! 
Not trying to turn off potential new and awesome members. However so many of the new folks that I have given in and sent seeds to are still at less than 5 posts...over a year later.
Am I off base??? Just being a jerk??? 
By the way...a big thank you to griff87 for being the very first member to send me seeds back in 2011 and all the awesome members that have hooked me up over the past couple years. 
Alright...rant over, carry on.
I'd say you're right on point.  Just bad form to show up and ask for something without having first contributed in some way.
I just signed up and I was hoping somebody send me some free seeds. I want to grow all of the hottest peppers. I don't really have an interest in peppers all that much, and I don't really know what half these names mean because I just saw them online and they were catchy.
I am looking for:
Carolina Reaper
Red Ghost
7 Pot Bubble Gum
Fatali Jigsaw
Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion
Trinidad Mogua Scorpion\
Naga Viper
Borg 9
I just want a few of each variety so I can grow enough peppers, not isolate the pods and open up an online store to sell the seeds and make a quick buck. I don't really want to pay for them because why pay for seeds if I can get them for free?
zantrax said:
I just signed up and I was hoping somebody send me some free seeds. I want to grow all of the hottest peppers. I don't really have an interest in peppers all that much, and I don't really know what half these names mean because I just saw them online and they were catchy.
I am looking for:
Carolina Reaper
Red Ghost
7 Pot Bubble Gum
Fatali Jigsaw
Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion
Trinidad Mogua Scorpion\
Naga Viper
Borg 9
I just want a few of each variety so I can grow enough peppers, not isolate the pods and open up an online store to sell the seeds and make a quick buck. I don't really want to pay for them because why pay for seeds if I can get them for free?
The people on this forum are the best people I`ve ever come across on any forum, and I`ve been a member of a good number. 
I suffered from severe depression last year and the only thing that really kept me going was the insane generosity of the people here. I`m truly grateful for everyone`s help, input, sharing and giving. 
While I do receive a lot of seed requests, I`m probably the worst person ever for getting things out on time, or in a reasonable amount of time. I always get them out (but let me know if I missed you), but sometimes it might be 6 months later :rolleyes: . Nothing personal, I`m just rubbish at organization.
Now to move on. Shane I just put Aji chuncho seeds in to soak. You`re in for a big challenge, brother!!!
Pr0digal_son said:
I keep my inbox full. :lol:
No wonder I can't bug you about random things like new clothes for my giant midget ninjas, seriously they are getting threadbare and I know you have connections to that little old lady seamstress who has the magic ninja silk.