Nothing beats a good chicken fried steak

Except a chicken fried steak with gravy.I went to a friend's house earlier and he was eating an awesome looking chicken fried steak and I hadn't had dinner yet so it was torture. I decided to make some so I stopped tenderized round steaks for about 3 bucks a lb on the way home.

Only after I had seasoned and breaded the steaks did I realize that the only oil I had was extra virgin olive oil. Actually turned out really good too. Of course I had to make gravy to go with it. With a tiny pinch of allspice. Try it.

I made a lot, so I'll be having it for lunch tomorrow. Gotta love chicken fried steak, it uses such cheap cuts of meat and turns them awesome.
I agree about the gravy...but I like brown gravy instead of cream gravy...matter of fact, when I cook chicken fried steaks, I make gravy with a little onions and mushrooms, then smother the fried steaks in the gravy...that way you will never need more gravy on your steaks... :lol:
I can just imagine hippies response, "yeah chicken fried steak is goood, but what i want for christmas this year Santa is a Hdeaojb" ;)
Chicken fried steak may just be the difinitive Texas food alongside of bbq brisket and all 'thangs TexMex. In Texas, it has to have the cream gravy made with milk although I much prefer to make it with heavy cream. Pretty simple too..roux, cream, salt and pepper and that's it. Whole pickled japs on the side such as Herdez compliment a righteous Texas feed. Top it all off with a Shiner Bock..

Cheers ya'll, TB.
This is a bit of a reversal , but one of my fav's is a chicken cheese steak sub. Purdue skinless chicken breast chopped up with provolone cheese. lettuce, mayo, hots and bacon.
Well the package of round steak i got had two steaks and I didn't feel like eating the same chicken fried steak two days in a week so I changed this one up a bit. I added panko bread crumbs & chili powder to the flour, and I coated the steak with jalapeno powder before breading. I didn't realize i was out of butter til too late so I had to make a roux from olive oil & whole wheat flour (out of white flour too). This gravy is actually amazing. I think I'm going to make it this way from now on.

Oh and the panko bread crumbs make the crust way crunchier. Very nice. Holds crunch even w/ gravy. That's ridiculously awesome.

You know you're jealous:
AlabamaJack said:
I agree about the gravy...but I like brown gravy instead of cream gravy...matter of fact, when I cook chicken fried steaks, I make gravy with a little onions and mushrooms, then smother the fried steaks in the gravy...that way you will never need more gravy on your steaks... :lol:

I've always made a cream gravy with the leftover liquids after I cooked the meat. I add a little dark beer, and flour. Also, you're combination of shrooms and onions sounds AWESOME!! Shrooms and onions go sooooo well of food...MMMMM!!! I pretty much do the same thing with my liver and onions. I soak the liver in milk for at least a half hour. Drain it, then coak the liver pieces in flour mixed with salt, and pepper. Then I cook the liver medium and pull it out of the pan. Then I add some extra virgin olive oil and quicly saute some onions on top of that. (Don't mind the somewhat burnt stuff in the pan;) After then I just add some New Castle to the pan and liver in with the mixture. Add just enough milk to cover and let simmer until how you like it. Add just a tad bit of flour. (Very slowly. Coat you're fingers and flick it in. While mixing until the right thickness.) GOOD STUFF!! Anywho, I'm babbling, but I love country fried steak as well and you're idea of shrooms and onions got me!!
Txclosetgrower said:
Well the package of round steak i got had two steaks and I didn't feel like eating the same chicken fried steak two days in a week so I changed this one up a bit. I added panko bread crumbs & chili powder to the flour, and I coated the steak with jalapeno powder before breading. I didn't realize i was out of butter til too late so I had to make a roux from olive oil & whole wheat flour (out of white flour too). This gravy is actually amazing. I think I'm going to make it this way from now on.

Oh and the panko bread crumbs make the crust way crunchier. Very nice. Holds crunch even w/ gravy. That's ridiculously awesome.

You know you're jealous:
Sure as hell know I would eat it. AWESOME LOOKING STUFF!! Also, I like the cream like gravy myself. Looks good man!:cool:
That looks terrific Txclosetgrower. Sounds like you need to make a trip to the grocery store, but good job on the improvisations. I made something similar to this not long ago, but used a sausage gravy as I made that for breakfast with homemade bisquits that morning.
Man I love chicken fried steak, with cream gravy to. I'm thinking it may have to be dinner tonight. Txclosetgrower every time you post a new recipe I have to have it.

JayT there isn't anything better for breakfast than biscuits and gravy. I supposed if you added a couple of runny eggs to the plate that would bring it up a notch.