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Nova tries Pure Evil

It's all good. They have now been blocked, and if they continue to post hateful comments from other accounts, I will be blocking those as well.

Anyone who says they will not hesitate to commit hate crimes against homosexuals has absolutely no business telling others how to raise their kids.
^^^^ what he said ^^^

It's all in the info sheet that came with the bottle (like anyone actually reads instructions... :rolleyes: I dont!)

I read the directions. It is in a draw in my kitchen. Has been this way since I got it. So I have to warm it everytime I use it? It's like it never dissolved in the liquid.
it depends on the abmient temerature where you store it. I have a cupboard over the coffee pot where I usually keep a bottle, and it stays liquid all the time. Left that same bottle out on the picnic table at the chilefest overnight and it set up enough that I had to put it in a cup of hot water in the morning. The last few days, the bottle has been out on the counter near a window where it's a little cooler, and it's kinda set up again. Try putting it in a cup of hot tap water. If it doesn't melt send me a pm and take pics if you can.
To quote Chili Juju, "Nova shall not be denied" This is a fact, that as her mother, I have experienced first hand... IE- when she was 4 all she wanted was a mohawk, she asked me every day for a mohawk, and every day I told her "no" till one day I found in the bathroom trash a sizable clump of her beautiful baby curls... When I looked at her head more closely, I discovered that the little snipe had cut two perfect chunks of hair on either side of her head, giving herself a mohawk.
I did not want to have a repeat of that with the Pure Evil as I was sure it wouldn't go over as well with the sauce as it did with the hair... I do not defend my parenting, and mind you, I've been under a microscope since I was 16 be it with teachers, caseworkers, daycare attendants, early intervention specialists, and other special service providers ALL of whom have found me and my husband to be exceptional parents.
Nova knew exactly what she was getting into, and I'm just glad she didn't want to "one-up" Tristan and do two drops... Also be mindful that I am the parent that is very sensitive to any kind of spice or capsaisin and who tried to talk her out of it, and she is the one who really did insist and explained ever so eloquently why she should be allowed to take the PE challenge. I stand by OUR decision.
MISSY!layneous! Great to see you here.

Knowing that kids growing up in a household exposed to any level of chiles are significantly different than the rest of households....You have nothing to defend as it is not anyone else's business!

When we buy Chipotle Chips, and the 'Kid tries them and says "they're not hot" and he's not a chilehead....and other grown ups eat the chipotle chips and run screaming for the water fountain...:eek:

Those of us who were there and met those involved...and saw others doing the same thing.... guess we should of video'd all the talking before hand for "are you sure, it's gonna burn...." ...

Just glad you didn't mention that little option of "one upping" by doing 2 drops to Nova.... ssshhhhhhhhhhh...
you could literally market this stuff as an appetite suppressant. lol A few drops on my pasta and it took me so long to eat my one bowl that it filled me up.(normally a seconds and thirds type of eater)
Honestly here is a question others should think about. Which is more dangerous a set of parents involved in their child's life and standing by them while they learn their limits or parents absent from their child's life leaving it to others or the child's peers to be there when they try things in life?
Which is more dangerous a set of parents involved in their child's life and standing by them while they learn their limits or parents absent from their child's life leaving it to others or the child's peers to be there when they try things in life?
It's not about the safety of the children, it's about maintaining the integrity of the bubble around your child until they're 18.

Who cares about what happens when they're out of the bubble? They're adults then, it's their problem.
Who cares about what happens when they're out of the bubble? They're adults then, it's their problem.

WOW Wulf you must not have any kids. I will be there for my daughter until the day that I die. Through thick and thin NO MATTER WHAT!! It's called LOVE! That doesnt stop when they turn 18!! And it is completly about the safety of the children. You must show them the way through life, let them make mistake but alway be there to help them correct those mistakes!
I was speaking from "the system"'s point of view, not one that I personally endorse.

I felt it was ridiculous enough to not need a disclaimer. Damn Poe's Law.

Well, talking like that you should have put a disclaimer. It sounded like your own opinion. Glad to hear you dont endorse that.

Looks like Ted saw the Pure Evil video, and is now sitting on his soapbox about it. Wonderful.
I personally would not let my children try it, thats my opinion on it. Have no problem with the product :D , just don't think you need to give it to children.
Apparently, Ted's not seen snacksnsuch reviewing bhuts and scorpions, salsakid tasting the same, or any of the other 3 videos I know of on meTube with kids doing Pure Evil with parents permission and supervision. People ASSUME that a child can't handle heat, and that is not the case. I know of a 7 year old who ate a t-scorp and regularly eats the same hot sauce as his dad. Personally, I think people should be more up in arms about underage drinking and drugs and the meTube videos of that kind of stuff instead of getting their panties in a wad about a child eating something super hot under total parental supervision.

BTW- all bottles of Pure Evil come with an info sheet rubberbanded to the bottle so the customer has to take the sheet off before getting to the bottle. First thing on the page, in big bold letters it says- "CAUTION! Extremely Hot Product. Can cause injury if mis-used. Use extreme caution when handling. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN AND IDIOTS!" And based on the videos I've seen, there are a lot more adult idiots doing Pure Evil drops than children.