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Nova tries Pure Evil

I don't have a problem with letting kids try hot peppers and sauces as well, in fact my son loves it. Likes the diff flavors and heat as well. He just tried a very small amount cappy's yellowbrain mash and really like the taste of it, as well as tmudder's sauces and bhut and 7 pot brown brittle(loves that stuff). But if my two year wants some that does not mean i give it to her. It's ok to tell them no. My son asks me all the time Daddy i can eat a whole Butch T and i'd say i bet you can :) but we have plenty of time son, no rush. Giving children pure capsaicin is just point less. Good to add to meals, but has no flavor. What does it teach them? I like teaching my son about planting and growing and cooking with peppers, and at some point in the future trying fresh ones to see which ones he likes and dislike. :)
Sorry Ted, you lost me at "kids are not prepared to deal with the pain" and I had to shut it off after "Reckless endangerment".
Children are actually more "prepared" for pain than adults. It's the whole preserving the human species thing.
If any laws are created, it's because of people like you giving attention to any negative aspects of eating heat.
You need to start all your MeTube videos with a disclaimer... "these are my OPINIONS"...
I've said it before, and here I go again... Tolerance doesn't grow with age.
Ever let your kids eat Mustard at a Chinese restaurant? Crushed Red Peppers on Pizza? Jalapeños on Nachos?
I personally would never NOT let my kid try anything he wanted to.

You're wrong. Nova proved it. Now go away.
I've been thinking about this while brewing up another batch of Pure Evil.

Every parent has ideas of what is safe and what isn't.

Personally, I think dirt bikes are dangerous and any parent who lets a kid under the age of 14 ride a dirt bike is irresponsible and negligent for the safety of their child. Other don't feel that way. That's their opinion and that's my opinion. Doesn't mean I'm gonna get on a soapbox and go off on a rant.

Each family needs to do what is right for them and the rest of us shouldn't armchair quarterback.
Lets start having some real fun. Lets jump on our dirt bikes, do some drugs as we drive by and pistol whip on lookers as we fly of a cliff. Oh and take a sip of Pure Evil as we go flying. LOL :D

Keep pumping those great sauces out Anne! :)
:lol: Thanks Standby

I really don't think dirt bikes are THAT dangerous, but it was an example.

Jerret, can you make the video "private", password needed to view?
Ann, chances are that the video will be taken down completely. This whole thing has been blown way out of proportion by the idiot and his mindless followers, and taking it down is the only way to keep the drama to a minimum. Someone even sent the video to the media, and Jerret was actually contacted by the news about it. So keeping the video on YouTube is only keeping this drama shitstorm going.
My comments on the subect are on the record in a couple different places. Wonder if I should take down all the vids of SalsaKid and I tasting douglah, scorps, etc......

Moving On~~~~
I wouldn't even bother with that. The FBD was targeting Jerret, just like he has done with other reviewers in the past. Nova's Pure Evil video was just his excuse for getting on his soapbox and trying to paint Jerret as a bad father.
This is utter BS. I tuned in on the what age is too young page, and I think we all feel the same here. I have not tried PE but it's very, very high on my wish list. I'm not offended that someone has a problem with the video. Everyone has different opinions. What saddens me is Jerret being called a bad father. It's one thing to say that you FEEL someone made a questionable decision. To say someone is a bad parent is a 100% different story. I live every day questioning my parenting and praying that I do what is best for my children. Sometimes I'm right and sometimes I'm wrong. I've always felt that what makes a good parent is questioning whether you made the decision that is best for your children. Jerret obviously felt that he was ok with this video. If not, video would not have been posted. Nova was clearly ok with trying it. If you don't agree with the situation, I can accept your opinion. With that said, to call someone a bad parent for it, is completely disrespectful and unacceptable whether you agree or not.
Nova was actually quite proud of filming that video and having it posted on YouTube. She saw it as a badge of honor.

She actually cried when Jerret and Missy told her that they had to take it down.
Darthpepper, thank you for your thoughts. Parents should question and check how they are doing as parents and try to do better. There's always more to any story, and I don't think it's right for people to judge a person as being competent or not based on a video or interenet blather.

Some time ago I attended a Fire Walk. Actual walking on hot coals, drums, etc. Present at that occasion was a young man....son of the coordinators...age about 13 if I remember right. Both parents of the young man were present and I remember comments to the effect of... "you can do it if you want to, but if you don't feel it's right then don't walk the coals..." Basically the same things being told to the adult fire-walkers by the fire-walk leader, but the parents were making sure the kid knew he was not being pressured into doing something. If he felt the strength and inspiration...go for it! He did walk over the hot coals. I still have the scrap of fabric that was tied around our wrists of those who were "properly waiver signed". If you didn't sign the waiver, you couldn't walk...

He walked the coals, and so did I...more than once. I was ~28 at the time. I carry that as a badge of honor, a conquest of fear and overcoming the potential for pain. Should we have been allowed to walk over burning coals? OMG! We could have caught on fire!!!! Yes there was the potential for danger, and so there is the potential for danger every time a person gets in their car and drives, or flies, or walks across the road....

Bungee jumping, white water rafting, parachuting...I wonder if this whole situation would of exploded if the video was of a parent tandem sky-diving with a child? What's safe? What's Not?

A parent who's handled guns (forever) should know all about them, right?. What about that kid who was killed when he tried to shoot an automatic weapon and the gun drove upwards until a bullet went into the kid's head?

edit- it was an 8 year old boy trying to shoot an Uzi.............
Ok, one review gives his opinion of a video he saw.(His opinion) not facts, that is ok. Do i think the father is bad...No. Poor choice(thats my opinion). Hope i don't get slammed because i don't agree. We all have different values and standard and thats ok. It's just OPINIONS not FACTS. I think(opinion) some people like to keep stuff going(drama). We have alot of the pot calling the kettle black going on. Agree to Disagree and lets move on to better things. :D
He didn't just post his opinion. He also threatened to punch Jerret in the face, on top of calling him a bad father and insulting him repeatedly on his FB page. He even blocked Jerret from responding, so he can't even defend himself from all the hateful crap being spewed by his mindless followers.

There were many other videos of kids eating hot stuff that he could've singled out, but for whatever reason, the FBD went after Jerret instead. I guess his drama cycle with Slade had ended, so it was time to find the next reviewer to target.

Also, just to be clear, nobody is going to slam you for disagreeing with Jerret and Missy's decision to let Nova try Pure Evil. If you won't allow your kids to do something like that, then that's perfectly fine. Your kids, your rules. But it isn't your place to tell others how to raise their own kids, and I hope you realize that. There would be a lot less problems in this world if people just learned how to mind their own business and focus more on themselves.
This is my You-Tube comment tah Ted:

You have a Right to your opinion as do those who disagree with you. My kids eat heat all the time, I grow 30+ varieties all used in our day to day life. My kids have built up tolerance to heat that most adults couldn't handle. My 12 year old has eaten a whole Scorpion before without my permission, he now passes on my offers to eat em most of the time. Live and Learn......
I don't tell people how to raise their kids, just giving my opinion on a thread. Takes two to Tango man, things have been said on both sides, and Ted is not the only person that has had problems with our reviews ;) . I think i told you in a pm before, i just don't go public about my beefs....not my style and for others it is. If you move on things go back to norm. People worry to much about the he said he said stuff. The 7 habits of highly effective people habit 5: Seek first to understand, then to be understood. There are things that other reviewer do and say that i don't like....so what. At the end of the day i'm going to take my shoes off the same way,good to bed the same way,spend time with the wife and kids the same way. Unless your Scov :D lol. Just really beat a dead horse at this point brother. :)