event NW Chilefest 2013 Discussion

I have an electric smoker that holds low temps pretty good.  I can bring it.  
It looks like we do not have fire pits or cooking grills in the campsites.  Maybe we should re-think the burgers unless someone has a small bbq they want to bring along?  It'll be a smaller group than last year, don't need a big grill, just something small.  I have one of those table top ones that fits about 4 burgers, it would work if noone has anything else...
I have a big-ass propane burner ( for wings), a full hotel-pan size electric chafing dish (taco meat and beans?), a large electric crock pot...just throwing out cooking apparatus options...
haven't heard from BigC in a while, Paul's not coming, haven't heard from chileaddict, MegaSpokane is a maybe.
Hey all, I'm back. Haven't had time to catch up on the details in the chile world. I am planning on going, but will probably be by myself. Sharon has to babysit Lydia. Is there a tent camp site cancellation from a chilehead I could use, or do I need to call? Looking forward to seeing old friends and anxious to meet new ones. Also, if anyone needs a tent, I can help. 
chileaddict said:
Hey all, I'm back. Haven't had time to catch up on the details in the chile world. I am planning on going, but will probably be by myself. Sharon has to babysit Lydia. Is there a tent camp site cancellation from a chilehead I could use, or do I need to call? Looking forward to seeing old friends and anxious to meet new ones. Also, if anyone needs a tent, I can help. 
There's no limit to tenters at sites. So you are more than welcome to pitch yours at our site. Glad you are coming haven't seen you in awhile :) Did you grow this year? If so how's it growing, lol... I am a dork.
Very excited to be kid free in 8 days. I haven't been kid free in over 3 years. Glad I am almost back to my usual self too. Anywho..... trying to figure out any extras I could contribute.
habaneroheat81 said:
Hey BP, not sure exactly which way the wife and I are heading when we leave here, but we should be able to swing by somewhere near there.  PM me and we'll figure it out.  Not sure exactly how many people grow up here in WA, but I'm sure there will be some happy people there thanks to your generosity.
Let me know
Chileaddict got back with me and is planning on meeting up with me to pick up the seeds.  Wish I could be there to meet you all.  Still trying to figure out how to get out of the family reunion obligation, but if not this year, I will absolutely make it next year.   I hope someone takes lots of pictures and or videos, so I can see what I missed this year.
I hope people can enjoy them, I plan on planting mine late this year hoping to give them a good chance for next summer.   But this years crop has been producing some peppers so far.
That's great bpwilly.  And Also great to hear from chileaddict!  I have room in my site, it sounds like the kids won't be coming. 
Is there something else we could do in the smoker other than ribs? (which are spendy for a group) and we did brisket last year....
Good to hear BP!
SL, the electric smoker would be great! I do have a BBQ I can bring since I won't need to bring my smoker so I will have the room.  As far as what else we could smoke, if Sam was going to be there his smoked salmon from 2 years ago would awesome!  So lets see, brisket, ribs, butts, salmon/seafood, peppers, jerky. Can't think of much else as of right now.
ChileAddict, good to see you on here again!  Glad your coming out this year, we lots to catch up on in the world of sauces and chilis.  Maybe we could meet up before we head out to the campsite.  When you planning on getting up there?
=(.... $400 for airlines.. cheapest... my wife said no. =( i did however get the day off.. plus its the kids last wkeend before they go back to school.. maybe next year
Sorry I've been gone so long. It's hard for me to properly juggle my "passions", so I tend to focus on one at a time. Outdoor adventure and photography has been my main interest. I think I was reading too much of those stupid threads about the latest new world record breaking superhots a while back. The feuding and silliness left a bad taste in my mouth. Even though I never participated, I think must have read them all. Had to get away. The friendships I have made here is the only thing that keeps me coming back. I wish Lazienfat and Maligator would return. :cry: Where the heck is Brandon?
I did not plant a chile garden this year for the first time in my adult life. I do have 4 superhot overwinters that survived the aphids...and my neglect. They are starting to put out a few pods now, but suffer from the cool Washington nights and don't do much. The neighbor gave me some Espanola Improved starts a while back that are a foot tall now. 
Not sure yet, but I might drive up Saturday morning and stay to the end. When is that, Sunday or Monday? I'm the dork for not knowing this stuff. You guys put so much planning into this thing all year. I'm no good at that and can only start planning now. 
No worries, chileadict.  I don't hang out in the growing threads, so I miss all that drama.
A couple of us are arriving Thursday, the rest on Friday.  And I think everyone is leaving on Sunday. 
HH81-if you can bring the BBQ lets go with group burgers for Saturday.  Your smoked (pastrami???) Friday, my B& G for Sunday AM,  Everyone's on their own for the rest, but there will be plenty of muffins, snacks, salads, and leftovers.
There is a cantina at the resort (burgers, fries, nachos, coffee for the AM, milkshakes), and a small store. 

Any Golfers!!! There's a golf course at the state park next door!
We're trying to figure out if can fit my big BBQ are if i will have to bring my medium sized Weber. If i have to bring the Weber no big deal, we'll just have to rely more on your warmer SL.
I am also unsure about doing the beans if i can only rely on the weber. Originally i thought there was a campfire at the sites so we'll see what happens.
chileaddict said:
Let me know if you need me to bring anything Ann. Will bring beer for sure. 
 that's all that's important, chileaddict!  :lol:  If you want to bring a couple bags of tortilla chips, that would be great. 
smaller grill is fine.  I'm bringing a decent sized crock pot for Sunday gravy and it can be used for beans also.  Let's not get too complicated.  We always seem to overcook for group camping anyway.
I'm planning on getting coffee at the snack bar, but if anyone else wants pots of coffee, they might want to bring their own coffee maker.   
HH81, is your sis/bro-in-law coming?  When will they be arriving?
KingDenniz- Yea, that's a lot for a weekend, maybe next year.
It's a smaller gathering this year anyway.  Next year, back to the coast somewhere where it's easier for those in the Seattle area.
Wow.. Been a while since my last post... I'm going still! But can't find a babysitter for the kids but that's why I have a husband and a play pen.. And a Stroller!
And I'm putting them to bed early so I can join the drunkards at least ONCE while I'm there! And have hubby babysit :-D.. Sl we bought a tent, however because Anthony needs an air mattress we still needs yours.. Plus..2 kids.. 1 baby (playpen is needed) 2 adults.. Yea.. Don't think we will fit in our tent.. Not sure how big it is cause we got it using gift cards we got, lol. Aside from all that my older two are excited and hoping my daughter shows her dangerous side and goes for some spicy foods (she got some Mexican in her she can handle some heat!) looking forward to seeing you all there.. I got a lot to do before Thursday - - 2 assignments, 2 tests and a discussion (weeks worth of homework) so take care everyone and I'll see you in 5 days!! - cheers-
kyliesocute said:
And I'm putting them to bed early so I can join the drunkards at least ONCE while I'm there!
I have no idea what you're talking about... :halo:  
Megan/HH81, I think the campsites allow 4 "units" per site- a "unit" is a vehicle, trailer, tent or RV.  If we have a lot of tents, we may have to park vehicles in the parking area instead of at the site.  How many sites do you guys have for yourselves and the rest of the gang? 
We have one site. We were going to rent a trailer but with our kids not going we are tenting it. So I guess there will be 2 or 3 tents and two vehicles. If we have to park a vehicle in parking area that's fine.

4 MORE DAYS!!!!!!! :DANCE:
Dave & Kathy have a site and I know 2 others will be coming in and finding space. We Got this~

I'll call the resort Wednesday to request adjacent sites.