event NW Chilefest 2013 Discussion

Ok....... I am bumping this thread again........ 62 days..... we have most of our gear together but still trying to figure out food. Hubby has been working 90hrs a week and so he is very tired so I am trying to get lists and stuff figured out so he doesn't have to think about much.
Someone other then Ann got any ideas? Ann doesn't need to do more thinkin' either.  
BUMP BUMP................
I know ya'lls got some thoughts :)
burgers was getting some Luv. Everyone bring a pound or so, mix 'em all up, grill 'em up.

People can bring a side or bag of bunz. or chips. Sweet and simple?
Oh and Megs...youmust be busy.....no nano-second clock countdown. :lol:
Just was browsing the campsite website and there's a store there. It looks like they sell a lot of the camping basics buns and deli type foods. So thankfully if there are things people decide they may need it'll be there. Also if you are going to want to do laundry or have a hot shower bring your quarters. We are really looking forward to this. It's pretty cool that there is boating, fishing, golfing, water sports and a pool. Also is a café too.
So we will bring some ground meat of some sort.
Ann, I am pretty busy between hubby working so much already have the two childrens and the new baby is coming anytime getting ready for new baby and camping...... so nope no nano seconds here.  
Yep, I figured that! Sheesh what are you doing spending time posting here? Get That Baby DOne and OUT!!!!..

ANYWAY!!! they have the camp store and a cantina. fast food etc. Great pool and lake swim area, minigolf, regular golf at a nearby course, a water-wars place, .....
I am not due until the 13th of July but at my check up yesterday I have already started dilating and such so wont be surprised if she's here in the next couple weeks.......... TRUST ME I AM WORKING ON HER EVICTION NOTICE!!!!!
NWCF pool party
Before I get started allow me to say I am F&#@ed UP!!!
With that said, I have been gone a long time due to work, but the last thing I expected to see was this thread so dead.  Outside of SL, the betterhalf, and the pool party pic at Scovies house (sorry Scove :drunk:) there hasn't been any action here since June 1.  Is there no one excited about this, I know we all have jobs that make us work ridiculous hours sometimes, but not one person here in 40 days?? The wife and I have spent hours and $$ on this years Chilesfest and are excited as hell to see everyone coming up.
Again, I'm drunk, so carry on.
DuvallDave's been in here, and there's been confirmations from MegaSpokane, Hawkeye, onefowl1, dunno for sure about PaulG, chileaddict, (RS67 might be out for the kite fest this year)....I'm brain fried atm...can't remember all the rest.....

I think we've got the basics down.-  date, location......purpose.....(Par-TAY!  :woohoo:)
Friday- ham sammies and a salad
Saturday- Burgers and whatever anyone wants to bring
Sunday- Hawkeye's WAFFLES!
We're just getting good at this!  :D
Well,I've just been told about a family gig on the same saturday as chilefest. What a bummer.
I'm still trying to decide on driving out friday and coming back saturday morn.It isn't very often my family 
gets together,so I don't want to miss it.
What happened to Thursday? is Megan and I the only ones there on Thursday?? When did Thursday change?? No big really just means we get to be :drunk: before everyone else :)
We're coming Thursday, and I think CJ/Scovie are gonna be there Thursday.  When we made reservations, there was the possibility of travelers flying in from out of state and we might of had to go pick them up.  As far as I know, no-one's coming from out of state. 
The "OFFICIAL" dates are Fri-Sun.
HH, Do you want the tent?
The tent will actually be used by my sister and her family.  Meg and I are going to be bringing our own tent this year. Earlier we were going to rent a trailer due to the kids, but now we won't need it because the in laws will be watching them.... Come to think of it, I told you this already.  Oh well, no one else knows yet.
I put together a small menu of what I will be contributing to festivities here it is:
[SIZE=medium]Thursday night:  BBQed chops with Pear salsa (still pondering that one due to flavors but sounds like it will work)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Friday- Breakfast: Eggs Benedict with roasted baby red potatoes (this is for Scovie but will for a reason)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]          Lunch: Fresh pastrami with grilled o’s and roasted bread (may need some Scovie assistance on this one due to smoking the meat and Ann's for the bread)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Saturday- Breakfast:Pastrami hash with eggs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]            Chilefest: Hoppin John’s- Ham hocks and Black eye peas [/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Sunday- Leftovers scrambled together and wrapped in tortilla shells (if there is any :))[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium]Subject to change, but seems pretty solid so far. Either way, will bring enough for all...I hope :)[/SIZE]
The Hot Pepper said:
I know you rigged that surge protector floating on flip flops. :lol:
SSSsshhhhhhh!!!!  I'm gonna patent it and sell it and make MILLIONS$$$$.  :lol:
HH81.....Dude, you're gonna spend the whole time cooking!  I mean, if that's what you WANT to do, that's great.  But simple is good too. 
Breakfast- muffins and coffee
Lunch- cold cuts (I'm bringing ham etc)
Dinner-  something cooked....
DD- I'll have some Scratch and dents but not too many.  I sold a bunch at a garage sale a couple months ago.  I'll see what I can find.  Oh, and Fresh Salsa~~~~  :)
Not really, a lot is really quick meals, most can be prepared a head of time.  But my wife is really picky also so and since she is stuck taking care of 3 kids nearly by herself I figure I should do something for our "vacation" Besides, I drink more when I'm cooking, so I will be schnockered by the time I get done cooking :)