event NW Chilefest 2013 Discussion

Contact Stay-Puft and see if they'll make some chile-flavored marshmallows.

I'll do one better - I have a freezer full of superhots right now, and I have a chef friend who makes home-made 1950's style marshmallows. I will commission her to make a couple pans of "melt your face off" marshmallows for nuclear s'mores before I come up. Remind me as we approach the date!
Lmao!!! You guys are funnnyyy!!!!! I have a few ideas for PE and my favorite chili's Aji Blanco Christal. ;)

Babe we need ABC chili's...... start the hunt now so we can have some please. :)
Lmao!!! You guys are funnnyyy!!!!! I have a few ideas for PE and my favorite chili's Aji Blanco Christal. ;)

I'll look around, I think I know a few that have some growing.

Babe we need ABC chili's...... start the hunt now so we can have some please. :)

so i take it ill be dorming at the HH's when this even happens?

King, that would rock! But I hope you know we'll have both our current kids plus the new addition that will be with us in July. :crazy: :) Figure I should warn you at least. Either way, it'd be great to have you up here also!
RogueJim, it actually started over 3 years ago, 2010, when RS67man noticed there were several THP members in the greater Seattle area and suggested a picnic get-together. Chileaddict volunteered to host a get-together at his home near Seattle. 5 THP member were at that first gathering. chileadict, RS67man, DuvallDave, Maligator, and myself ..and Salsakid...so I guess that makes 6 THP members...and spouses and neighbors...

We had a whole counter full of sauces and fresh chiles. We tasted everything and had a ton of fun. Burgers and other stuff for a lunch....

The next year, 2011, we went to a small campground near Seattle. Had 3 families camping and about 12 THP members come out to the Saturday picnic. Made some wangs, ate a bunch of hot stuff and chiles...

This past September, 2012, we hit a state park with about 12 THP people camping from all over Washington and even Oregon and all our families. I think we had 25 people camping including all the family members. And some more join us for the Saturday festivities. There's a link to this year's fun in the first post.

Next year, we'll be at a park in eastern WA. It's not a hot sauce festival or official event, it's just some crazy chileheads getting together for a weekend of fun, food, heat, and festivities. There's rumor of chileheads from Idaho, Cali, Georgia and maybe SoFlo joining the party this next August.

Come Join Us!
222 days, 22 hours, 2minutes , 22 seconds until 8:AM NWCF 2013
